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Jungkook had just returned from an outing. He didn't leave the hospital often, and when he did, he never stayed out too late. Today he had gone to the art supply store for the project he was assigned in his art class. Every student was given a different prompt, art style, and genre. It was meant to be a fun project designed to help them experience and experiment with art styles they might not be comfortable with or as used to. Jungkook was assigned to paint a classic family portrait with a fantasy twist. Before he met his hyungs, he would've asked for a different prompt, as he had no family, but now that he has his hyungs he was excited to begin. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.

Jungkook made his way down the hall, tote bag filled with his new brushes and paints, Bunny peeking out the top, slung on his right shoulder, canvas and easel under his arm, as he headed to see his hyungs.

He saw one of the patients waltzing in the middle of the hall up ahead. The young man completed a turn, spotting Jungkook coming down the hall. He stopped mid dance, arms still holding onto the dance partner only he could see.

"He~llo Alice."


Ever since Jungkook started visiting Wonderland, he was nicknamed Alice by a few of the patients, and it just sort of stuck. Jungkook didn't mind though, he thought it was cute and kinda liked it.

He smiled at the older boy, this patient wasn't a threat. Jungkook thought he was actually really nice.

"Hello hyung. Hello miss," Jungkook greeted, making sure to include the man's dance partner. It was only polite after all, "you look lovely today."

"Doesn't she? Many men wanted to dance with her, but she chose me."

Suddenly he got quiet for a moment, as if listening to something, before he exclaimed, "Oh, they're playing our favorite song." He began to twirl around the hall again as he hummed a melody Jungkook didn't recognize. "Goodbye Alice." He said as he moved further away.

"Goodbye!" Jungkook said, watching the man dance around the corner. He turned to continue down the hall when he collided with someone, causing him to drop the canvas and easel as he stumbled back from the impact.

"Hey, watch where you're going asshole!"

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said as the two older boys towered over him.

"I know you, you're that kid everyone calls Alice right?"

His friend laughed, "Alice, isn't that a girl's name. What are you a fucking fairy?"

One of the boys grabbed his bag. "Whatta ya got in your purse Twink?"

Jungkook tried to get his bag back but the guy's friend pushed him back hard, causing him to fall.

"What the hell is this," the guy laughed as he pulled Bunny from the bag, "what are you, five?"

"Please, give him back."

"Aw, does the little princess want his dolly back?"

The boys laughed as they tossed the stuffed animal back and forth between each other as Jungkook attempted to get it back from them.

"Please, give him back!" He was pushed into the arms of one of the boys who held him tightly as the other smirked at him.

"Tell you what, we'll give it back if you let us do a little art project of our own with your paints. Deal?"

Jungkook wasn't given time to respond as the boy grabbed Jungkook's paints from the bag and began to squeeze it on his head before using his hand to rub it in Jungkook's blonde locks, before then smearing it on his face. Both boys laughed as they coated Jungkook in various paints, using their fingers to write slurs upon his skin, 'whore' written in big bold letters on his baby blue shirt.

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