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Jimin watched from the shadows in glee as Minsung succumbed to his manipulations, falling into the web of illusions and hallucinations he subconsciously planted in his mind. He chuckled as Minsung collapsed, screaming, to the ground from being tased by one of the guards he brainwashed and controlled like a living puppet, a puppet he believed was the woman he tortured for years. He wondered what Minsung thought was happening to him as the man convulsed upon the ground and writhed in pain.

Jimin watched as Minsung fought through his pain long enough to drive the blade of his knife into the gut of the guard, the hypnotized man falling dead at Minsung feet in a pool of blood. Oh well, one puppet down, one more to go.

My, this was fun.


Minsung cautiously wandered through the vast darkness. He had no idea where he was, he lost all sense of time and place. Fear ate at him. Even the whispers stopped. The silence was deafening, the darkness suffocating. He wanted to call out, but fear kept him silent.

There were no guards.

No patients.

Even the once 'no' riddled walls were gone.

There was nothing.


It was unnerving.

He walked for what seemed like hours in the nothingness when he found an orange flickering light ahead. Like a moth to flame, Minsung rushed headlong toward the light, eager and desperate to leave the oppressive darkness behind him.

As he drew closer the light grew bigger and brighter until Minsung saw it for what it was.

A wall of fire.

The flames licked upwards, towering over Minsungs 5'10 frame and burned without fuel or kindling, as if it didn't need to be fed to stay alive, nor did it spread as one would expect, instead it remained stationary. He attempted to get around the blaze but it would expand to block his path, as if sentient.

The fire suddenly roared, growing bigger and brighter, forcing Minsung to step back from the reaching flames and searing heat, shielding his eyes as he saw a tall, dark figure move within the inferno. As the figure stepped from the heart of the raging fire Minsungs eyes widened in disbelief, shock and fear. Standing before him was his brother, neck bruised with finger marks, face and eyes decorated with the red and purple spots of broken blood vessels.

"But...y-you're dead."

Dr. Nam Sunwoo smiled sinisterly.


He was burning.

His body was consumed by angry, hungry flames.

Minsung screamed in agony as he tried to put the fire out, but it continued to burn, to eat away at him. The flames were so intense they sent his body into convulsions from the searing heat and shock.

Dr. Nam stood above him, eyes cold as he stared down at Minsung, watching the flames consume him as he screamed in pain. Suddenly Minsungs screams of agony were cut short as Nam wrapped his hands around his neck in a bruising hold.

Minsung couldn't breathe, couldn't scream his pain from the endless burning, nor could he fight his brother off as his body writhed from the numerous attacks upon it.

He could only stare up into the cold lifeless eyes of the brother he murdered, now hellbent on killing him.

Tears of fear fell from his eyes as a single thought frantically circled his panicked, confused mind.

This isn't real, this isn't real, he's dead, it's not real, IT'S NOT REAL!


Oh, what fun, Jimin thought giddily as he watched Minsung struggle beneath the second guard. He knew Minsung saw Dr. Nam, Jimin planted that image in his subconscious mind as he did for Naeun, and the fear Minsung had upon seeing who he thought was his brother and his shocked admission of murder, confirmed what Dr. Nam had told them; his brother was going to kill him.

Kookie will be sad when he learns the man he saw as his father figure wasn't coming back and that alone was another reason Minsung must die...but not yet. Wonderland wasn't done with him.


Minsungs fight or flight instinct finally managed to overcome the pain in favor of fear as panic and adrenaline had him punch Sunwoo over and over in hopes of loosening the man's grip on him. It took three tries, but he finally got his brother to let go. He quickly grabbed hold of the knife and stabbed it into Sunwoo's chest viciously, again, and again, and again. He was determined to make sure that this time, his brother stayed dead.

He had stabbed Sunwoo ten times before the adrenaline finally drained away, leaving him covered in blood, fear taking over as he scrambled back away from the body. He sat there, breathing ragged as he shook from fear.

This wasn't real.

It wasn't real....

The darkness was suffocating him, feeding his ever growing fear. He didn't want to be here anymore, he wanted out.

Suddenly a light flickered on in the distance like a beacon, illuminating a familiar white rabbit sitting like a silent sentinel in front of a large, open metal door, and from within, an equally familiar giggle echoed.

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