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A patient was found dead in his room the next morning. The autopsy said he ingested some sort of drug or poison that rotted his organs and caused him to bleed internally. All within a few hours.

Dr. Nam pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as he set the report down. This patient's death sounded familiar.

Very familiar.


"How did you do it, why did you do it?"

"How did I do what doctor?" Kim Taehyung asked before taking a sip out of the teacup he held to his lips, voice deep and monotone.

"A patient was found dead this morning. His cause of death was very similar to those of your victims."

"Now, that is a shame, isn't it." Tae responded as took another sip of tea, unbothered by the conversation.

"You do not deny the accusation." The doctor challenged.

The teacup clinked lightly as it was placed upon its accompanying saucer Tae held in his left hand before he uncrossed his legs and leaned forward to place the set upon the tea tray sitting on the dark wood coffee table before him as he replied, the unbothered, bored tone still in his voice, "Tell me doctor, what purpose would I have for killing a random patient? This place is home to murderers, rapists, and many other violent offenders, and yet you accuse me, a man locked behind a secure door, not very fair, wouldn't you agree?" He picked up his newly filled teacup, gently blowing on it's contents before taking the first sip.

"It was you. A styrofoam cup found in his room was tested, results came back with confirmation that the patient had drank poisoned tea just before his death, though they couldn't identify the poison itself, it did match the substance that caused his death."

"Now, that is quite a coincidence, isn't it?"

"I am a psychologist Mr. Kim, not law enforcement, you gain nothing by lying or withholding the truth. You are going to spend the rest of your natural life in this hospital, nothing more can be done to you. All I want to know is why you did it, as I would with any other patient, so we can try to prevent it from happening again."

"Very admirable of you doctor."

"Where did you get the poison, how did you get it?" Nam questioned.

"That certainly is a mystery, isn't it? Where would someone acquire such a thing?"

"Did Jungkook give you the access code to the security door, is that how you got out?"

Taehyung looked at the doctor over the rim of his cup, "Jungkook, a topic which makes me quite curious. Tell me doctor, you segregate us from the others, lock us behind a high security door in a restricted area, you no doubt think us beyond dangerous, yet Jungkook, a boy of nineteen, neither staff nor patient, has clearance to come and go as he pleases. Why is that I wonder."

"Did Jungkook let you out?"

"Why would he be able to do so?"

"Your avoidance of the question speaks volumes Taehyung."

"As does yours, doctor."

"If you will not answer my question, I'll simply ask Jungkook. He wouldn't lie to me."

"Do as you wish," Tae lightly chuckled between sips, "I'll wait."

Doctor Nam rose from his seat and left the room to speak to Jungkook, who appeared to be dressing his stuffed animal in what looked like a red coat before hugging Jin tightly in happiness.

"Jungkook, I'd like a word with you please."

Jungkook approached the man excitedly, "Look, doctor uncle, look what Jin hyung made for Bunny?" He held the stuffed bunny out for the doctor to see. It wore a yellow vest embroidered with a pocket watch attached to a red coat. Ah yes, the white rabbit.

How very clever of the queen.

"He looks very nice." The boy smiled. "Jungkook, I have to ask you something and you need to be honest with me, alright."

Jungkook nodded.

"Jungkook, did you give your hyungs the code to the door?"

Jungkook shook his head, "No, you told me not to give it to anyone, and hyungs have never asked for it either."

"Did you get your answer doctor?" Taehyung asked as the man stepped back into the office, taking another sip of his tea.


He reviewed the video over and over again, hoping he'd missed something, but it remained the same.

Hallways empty.

No one is seen leaving or entering the only way in or out of Wonderland.

One camera's video feed showed Wonderland's Mad Hatter sitting at the dining table drinking a cup of tea and staring at the camera over it's rim, his face blank.

Another camera capturing, the now dead patient, sipping from a styrofoam cup before suddenly collapsing, blood leaking from his mouth and eyes.

Dr. Nam didn't miss the smirk hidden behind the Mad Hatter's teacup on the other camera.

'How did you do it?'

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