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Dr. Nam watched Jungkook run from his office in tears. Well, that could've been worse. He slumped in his seat, carding his fingers through his hair as he sighed heavily. He didn't like seeing the boy upset, but he had no choice, Jungkook had to be the reason Wonderland was able to escape, whether he knew it or not, so he had to change the passcode, to the restricted area, had to keep the boy out, in order to keep them in.

He had no choice.


Wonderland waited over a week for Jungkook's return, yet he never came. They waited long enough.


It was late when Dr. Nam decided to call it a night, it was just one of those weeks. Monday, a fight broke out in the common room that led to each patient receiving numerous bruises, one with a black eye and busted lip, the other with a broken nose and minor head injury. Wednesday, one of the patients attempted to rape one of the nurses, though luckily, another patient ran to get security before the man could do more than beat her and rip her uniform. Thursday, a patient attempted suicide and had to be put on suicide watch.

He sighed as the clock on his wall ticked passed the tenth hour. Dr. Nam shut his computer down and stood from his seat, shutting off his office light before closing his door and heading down the hall, deciding to check on Jungkook before heading home as the boy was still saddened about being kept from Wonderland.


The moment Dr. Nam quietly stepped into the boy's room, his eyes widened at the sight of the queen sitting upon the boy's bed, stroking the sleeping boy's hair, much like he was when Jungkook first entered Wonderland. The door was silently shut behind him, causing him to look back, only to see the king.

"How long are you going to keep him from us, doctor?" The queen questioned calmly and quietly so as to not wake Jungkook.

"H-how did you get out? I-I changed the passcode, so how did you get out?" Dr. Nam replied, stunned.

The queen looked from the sleeping boy to the doctor, "Did you really think you could keep him from us, that we wouldn't come for him." Kim Seokjin rose from the bed and stepped toward the doctor, who instinctively stepped back, colliding with Namjoon behind him. "Let this be a lesson to you, we can move as freely as we wish, we have simply chosen not to, until now. We can leave whenever we desire, we've simply chosen not to, for now, we don't need the boy to do so. So this is your first and only warning, doctor, allow Jungkook back into Wonderland and we'll continue to allow ourselves to be kept here, don't...." The queen let the unsaid threat hang in the air, speaking loud and clear in the silence around them. "A word of warning, doctor, the only reason you're still alive now is because Kookie holds affection towards you, remember that." Seokjin stepped around the doctor and walked out the door Namjoon had opened for him, Namjoon closing the door quietly as he followed the queen out.

The hair on the back of the doctor's neck still stood on end. He didn't have the control over Wonderland he thought he did, instead the queen proved Wonderland was the one truly in control. And that was terrifying

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