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Nam Minsung was insane.

Utterly mad.

He was sentenced to live out the remainder of life in a mental hospital for the criminally insane for the murders of his brother, Dr. Nam Sunwoo and the guards and patients of the very hospital he was now to call home.


The ride to the hospital was quiet and easy as Minsung sat compliantly and silent in the back seat throughout the trip. The only sound that could be heard were his whispered mutters, "Ba-boom... ba-boom...", as he tapped upon his chest over his heart with each beat it made. It was something he did constantly, it was the only way he'd believe his heart was still there after seeing one of the Wonderland monsters rip it from his chest and give it to its mate who ate it before his eyes in pure bliss.

The hospital slowly began to come into view as they drew closer, cresting the slight hill the large three story building sat upon. Minsung stared at the looming building, a feeling of apprehension and unease slowly bubbling up within him and he began to unconsciously curl into himself, clutching at his chest, eyes squeezed shut as he continued to tap and mumble along with every heartbeat.



It's still there.


They pulled up the driveway, stopping before the entrance. The two escorting police officers exited the vehicle and moved to remove their passenger from the car. Minsung stared up at the hospital for a moment, the unease steadily growing. This place looked...familiar.

(Ba-boom Ba-boom...

Ba-boom Ba-boom...)

His heart quickened.

He didn't like this place.

The moment they stepped through the open door of the hospital Minsung began to whimper and tremble as the hair on his neck rose in warning, his heart thumping louder and harder against his hand.

(Ba-boom Ba-boom Ba-boom Ba-boom Ba-boom Ba-boom...)

His heart was racing.

"We've got a new patient for you, gentlemen." The officers announced to the guards stationed at the front.

"One moment officers, let me inform the doctor you're here and get security working the Ward to take the new resident into custody." After a brief phone call, the door leading into the Wards buzzed open and a young man in a suit exited, two men dressed in the uniform of hospital security on his heels.

"Hello, officers, I'm Dr. Park Jimin. This is Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok," he gestured to the men at his side, "they are in charge of security in the Ward Mr. Nam will be assigned to."

One of the guards smiled at Minsung, giving him a slow wave, while the other simply stared at him, though both had predatory eyes.

"Gentlemen, if you'll follow me to the inpatient office, we'll get Mr. Nam here, transferred into our care and you can be on your way."

Minsung was led behind the doctor, the officers at his sides and the unnerving guards at his back. He began to tap at his chest faster, keeping in time with his heart as it beat harder in distress.


The paperwork had been signed.

The transfer, complete.

Throughout it all, Minsung grew more and more nervous, his heart beating erratically, body starting to tense in apprehension and his breathing became heavy with the oncoming panic.

The group of men stepped from the inpatient office, Dr. Park shaking each police officer's hand, "Thank you officers, we'll take Mr. Nam from here."

The two guards, Yoongi and Hoseok, stepped up on either side of Minsung, each taking a hold of an arm as one of the officers began to remove the cuffs he wore.

Task complete, they turned to leave. Minsung felt the fear and anxiousness taking root within him, the panic setting in. He was turned away from the officers and led down the hallway, further into the hospital, clutching at his chest, now with both hands, as if desperately trying to keep in, tapping aggressively and frantically as his heart felt like it wanted to escape.

It beat faster.

And faster.

And faster.

Too fast...too fast.

His eyes widened and a scared whimper escaped his lips as he saw a boy with blonde hair and a white rabbit. A boy with her eyes. The same boy he followed all those weeks ago into a monster's den called Wonderland. He began to drag his feet, pulling at the hold on him. "No.." he whimpered, violently shaking his head.

The boy stopped to look at Minsung, "Hello." Suddenly the boy gasped as he looked at the white rabbit in his arms, as if it spoke to him, "You're right, there's no time to say 'hello'," he looked back at Minsung, "goodbye," the boy said with a wave before rushing down the hall, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!"

Minsung began to hyperventilate as he watched the boy disappear down the hall, his light laughter echoing off the walls around him.



He froze in terror of the memories the boy brought forth. His nails dug deep into the flesh of his chest, drawing blood as he clutched onto it frantically, his heart felt as if it would burst at any moment, his body shaking violently, legs collapsing under his weight. The doctor stepped in his line of sight, squatting down enough to meet the scared man's eyes, a Cheshire cat-like grin on his face, "Welcome to Wonderland."



Patients housed behind bunny stickers doors, looked up toward the Ward above at the sound of terrified, pleading screams ringing throughout the hospital. Another voice rang out, if in response to the screams;

"A~lice, A~lice, what's so special 'bout you? Wonderland is kill~ing, all for the love of you.

A~lice, A~lice, did somebody make you cry? Wonderland is coming, everyone better hide.

C~areful and be aware when Alice is passing through, Cause i~f you harm him, they're gonna come after you.

A~lice, A~lice, what's so special 'bout you?

Wonderland is kill~ing all for the love of you."

❤️ THE END ❤️

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