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Lim Daewoong entered the security office for his shift. Usually he was greeted by the night guards, but the room was empty. Daewoong didn't think too much about it, as Kang could've simply left a bit earlier than usual. He headed to his assigned equipment locker to grab his gear and lock up his personal belongings, such as his keys, wallet, phone, etc, as they were either not needed or, in the case of the phone, not allowed, during work hours, then moved to clock in.

Task complete, he settled himself behind the security desk that housed numerous monitors, buzzing in and greeting staff as they entered for the start of their work day.

He didn't mind the camera monitors before him yet, as it wasn't necessary to do so. After all, there was nothing worth monitoring yet, as the patients were still locked securely in their rooms.


Nurse Song wheeled a large cart loaded with breakfast dishes down the hall leading to the restricted area of the hospital. Stopping before the heavy security door, she punched the code into the keypad. As the door slid open, the upper half of a body, bloody and unrecognizable, fell at her feet.

Surprised, she quickly knelt at the man's head and felt for pulse, finding none. Reaching into her scrubs pocket, she pulled out her walkie, when the security door began to close, she dropped the walkie and hurried to pull the body free of the door, when it was quickly and harshly pulled from the other side.

She watched in horror as the body slid across the floor, only coming to a stop when the head was the only thing remaining on the doors threshold, the heavy security door pushing against the obstacle until it finally broke free of it, severing the head from the body as it closed and locked. Nurse Song stared at the severed head, blood splattered wall and door in complete shock. Movement behind the door caught her eye, drawing her gaze from the bloody scene before her to the plexiglass window of the door.

There, waving at her with a big bright smile, was 'The Cheshire Cat'.


Word spread quickly through the hospital of the body found in Wonderland, no doubt falling prey to its residents, who were somehow free of their holding cells.

"What happened?!" Dr. Nam exclaimed as he rushed into the hospital's sick bay.

Nurse Song, who greeted him just inside the clinic's main door, responded, "A staff member, security judging from the uniform, was found dead this morning in the restricted area."

She proceeded to tell him of how she originally found the body and how it was ultimately decapitated by the security door. His eyes widened when she told him that 'The Cheshire' waved at her from the doors window.

"How the hell did he get out? And just what the hell was he doing in that area in the first place, how the hell did he get in, he wasn't authorized."

Nurse Song just shook her head.

Nam and Song made their way to the security office to check the cameras for the answers they sought.

"Did you pull up last night's feed as requested?" The doctor asked as he entered the room.

"Yes sir," officer Lim replied, "it's ready to go."

Dr. Nam nodded in assent and watched the camera closely as the security officer played the feedback.

They watched in silence as Kang chased a familiar boy down the hall, who tried to seek safety behind the restricted security door, only for Kang to force himself in. Lim switched the outer camera view for the inner one just in time to see the lights flicker on, Kang's obvious intentions for the boy, and the doors of the patients rooms unlock and open, releasing them.

They watched as Kang was surrounded and ultimately brutally tortured and beaten to death. So much so that he was unrecognizable. If it weren't for the uniform and name tag he wore...

"Wait," Dr. Nam looked at Nurse Song, "Where's the boy?"

Before she could answer, security spoke up, "Doc."

Doctor and nurse both looked at Lim as he gestured to the monitor, drawing their attention back to the camera.

There on camera, was the boy in question, laying upon the red couch in the center of the room, his head resting on the 'Queens' lap fast asleep.


All Wonderland residents, please return to your room. All Wonderland residents, please return to your room.

Dr. Nam watched through the CCtv camera as all the patients of Wonderland looked up to the security camera simultaneously, the 'Queen' bringing his index finger up to his lips in a shushing motion while his other hand continued to gently stroke the boy's hair.

'The King' gently lifted the boy from the 'Queens' lap, seemingly carefully not to wake the boy from his slumber, and carried him into the room he and the Queen shared, his Queen following behind. The others calmly entered their rooms as well, the doors automatically sliding shut behind them.

"What do we do, doctor?" Nurse Song asked.

Dr. Nam rubbed at his temples and sighed. That was a loaded question. One he couldn't yet answer. Just what the hell do they do?

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