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Jungkook was born in the hospital, to a mother who never should've been there, but Jeon Naeun was unfortunate enough to gain the obsessive, unwanted attention from a man she could only escape by finding sanctuary in a mental hospital.

"She was beautiful, intelligent and kind. Her very presence lit up a room. She was perfect," Nam reached into his inner coat pocket and withdrew a wallet sized photo, looking at it longingly before handing it over to the Queen of Hearts, "I loved her," he said with a sad smile.

The young woman in the photo was beautiful indeed, with long ebony hair, big doe eyes and a cute little overbite that gave her a bunny-like smile that wrinkled her nose. Just like Jungkook. The picture made its way around the residents of Wonderland, Taehyung being the last to look at it, before handing it back to the doctor, who carefully took the picture, gazing upon it lovingly, stroking her face as he spoke softly, "I never got to tell her..."






"Excuse me doctor, but there's a young woman at the door asking for you."

Dr. Nam looked up from his paperwork and toward the security officer standing in his open doorway, with a confused look upon his face. It was 2:00 in the morning, long past the hospital's closing hours, and certainly far too late for anyone, especially a woman, to be frequenting a mental hospital, let alone asking for him.

"Did she give a name?" Nam inquired as he got to his feet.

The officer shook his head, "No sir, but she looks scared, distressed, and in shock," he supplied as they left the office and headed for the front door, "We asked if she was alright and if she wanted us to contact the police, but she would just panic and continue to ask for you."

His eyes widened at the woman, beaten, bruised and broken before him.

Jeon Naeun...

"She was supposed to be studying at Julliard, but yet she stood broken and scared before me," Nam's voice and eyes hardened as he looked up from the picture to the men in the room, "A year. He kept her captive for a year. He beat her, raped her, all while telling her he loved her. He...branded her," he began to tear up, "They knew. They knew what he was doing, but said nothing, too afraid to speak up against the monster of their own making. They left her there, blinding themselves to what they saw, deafening themselves to her broken whispered cries for help, and he taunted her with that. Taunted her with the fact that no one would help her."

Nam put the photo back into his coat pocket, "I would've helped her, had I known. I hid her here, in the very room Jungkook occupies now. Her body eventually healed, but her mind...," he sighed, "you don't exactly heal from something that. She suffered from violent nightmares, anxiety, paranoia and refused to leave the room in fear he'd find her and take her back. We found out a month later she was pregnant with Jungkook. When she found out she was going to have a baby her paranoia raised. Apparently, that bastard purposely got her pregnant every time he raped her only to beat her into miscarrying. She said he enjoyed making her cry, it was when he found her the most beautiful. She feared losing Jungkook.

Jungkook saved his mother's life in many ways. She loved him dearly and was at her happiest with him. When she died I promised her that I'd take care of Jungkook like my own, I'd keep him safe. But, now that bastard has found him."

Reaching into a different coat pocket, he pulled out the envelope that held the latest letter, holding it out to the Queen. Taking the envelope in hand, the Queen removed the letter within;

I know who he is now, he was hers, which makes him mine. And I want him.

"Who is he?" The Queen asked, face and voice void of emotion.

"Jungkook's father and his mother's personal monster. Nam Minsung, my brother."


Nam Minsung wasn't crazy. He knew the difference between right and wrong. There were no mental disorders, no psychological impairments. Nam Minsung was completely sane. What made him a monster was his lack of morals and empathy. He took pleasure in the torment of others, enjoyed being the villain.

He had always been a spoiled child, with parents who catered to his every need, and gave him whatever his heart desired, because he was their perfect son. Obedient, well-mannered, fealty. He could do no wrong in their eyes. They couldn't see the evil in him. He was spoiled, selfish, cruel, and manipulative.

They didn't see him for the heartless monster he was until it was too late.

He became a monster even they began to fear.


Minsung hadn't seen the boy again, not since he noticed him leaving the stationary shop and followed him to the psychiatric hospital. He sat outside the hospital for hours, waiting for the boy to exit, but he never did.

But Sunwoo did.

So, his dear brother was hiding the boy within the walls of a mad house.

As if that would save him.

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