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Minsung stared down at the plushie before sliding his gaze beyond to the gaping maw of the open door, the word 'WONDERLAND' scrawled messily overhead. Drawn by the familiar laughter, he stepped inside.


The light that led him here suddenly burst above him, like the ones before, leaving him in suffocating darkness, the boys laughter fading into silence, bringing an involuntary whimper of fear from Minsung, before a bright light suddenly clicked on overhead, spotlighting the boy in the center of the room. 

The boy stared at him, the same stuffed rabbit that moments before sat at the room's entrance, was now held in the boy's arms. 

"Who are you?" 

Whispers, again. Minsung began to tremble, another frightened whimper escaping his lips as he was desperately trying to deafen himself to the hushed words.


Minsung jumped out of his fear induced immobility at the angrily shouted question and lunged at the boy in panic and fear, gripping him by the arms with shaking, bloody hands, eyes wide and panic filled, "Please, l-let me out, help me get out...please! PLEASE! I-I want to get out..."

Minsungs eyes widened further, face pale and body shaking from sheer terror as monstrous figures slowly emerged from the darkness behind the boy.

Minsungs grip on the boy loosened and he began to slowly step back, body shaking, heart pounding, eyes dilated and a scream locked in his throat in absolute horror. He was like a deer caught in headlights, completely unable to move as he watched, wide eyed as they slowly moved towards him, as if hunting him. 

The whispers grew louder, more insistent, the voices angry.Then the screaming started again, echoing around him, screams of fear and unimaginable pain. Manic laughter soon followed, blending and mixing with the screams and whispers, creating a maddening, terrifying symphony.

Minsung clamped blood stained hands over his ears, shaking his head frantically, "STOP, STOP!" His pounding heart felt as if it was desperately trying to beat its way out of his chest, his lungs burned from lack of oxygen as he began to hyperventilate, his body shaking uncontrollably, "DON'T TOUCH ME! GO AWAY, GO AWAY!" Minsung screamed in panic and fear as the horrific monsters circled him. He looked desperately at the boy with panicked, scared eyes, "Please, help me! HELP ME!"

The boy smiled, "The madness got to you too?" Suddenly the boy began changing, morphing into a sinister cat-like creature, its eyes glowing menacingly and smiling a wide Cheshire grin of sharp teeth, "That's okay, we're all mad here." 


Minsungs scream was primal and thick with sheer terror and panic as the monsters of this so-called 'wonderland' closed in on him.


Wonderland relished the sound of Minsungs raw screams of unadulterated fear, enjoyed watching as he helplessly and desperately fought against monsters that weren't there. Suddenly Minsung released an ear piercing scream of sheer, unadulterated fear that seemed to shake the very walls, before dropping to the ground unconsciously, like a puppet falling away from cut strings.

Oh what fun it was to see a man break. To witness him lose his mind.... especially when you're the reason he lost it. 


"Come kookie, it's time to go."

Kookie jumped from his bed excitedly as he looked at his bunny still seated upon the bed, "Yay! Did you hear that bunny, it's time, it's time!" 

Kim Seokjin held out a hand for Jungkook, who took it happily, grabbing bunny in his free arm and hugging him close to his chest. "Ready to go to your new home," he asked the boy with a fond smile. Jungkook nodded his head excitedly, a bright bunny smile on his face, "Let's go." 

Jungkook practically hopped from the room by his Jin hyungs side. Once downstairs, he was met with the rest of his hyungs standing by the front doors. He left Jin's hand and ran the short distance to them, throwing himself into their arms for a group hug. He had waited for this day the moment doctor uncle told him he'd be living with his new hyungs from now on, away from the hospital, free to be a real family. Jungkook was sad when doctor uncle told him he wouldn't be joining him and his hyungs, but he was happy that doctor uncle promised to say hello to his eomma for him when he saw her again, and to tell her Jungkook loved and missed her. 

"Are you and Bunny ready to go?"

Jungkook pulled from the embrace enough to look into the faces of his hyungs and nodded eagerly, "YES...though," he continued a bit sadly, "I will miss Wonderland."

Jin smiled and ruffled the boy's hair, "Don't worry our little Alice, you'll see Wonderland again, after all, as long as we're with you so too, shall Wonderland."

Jungkook turned to wave goodbye to the guards watching from the security office window, who smiled and waved back, the bunny stickers upon their uniforms glinting in the overhead lights of the office, before he was escorted from the hospital. He never noticed their blank stares or the bloody mess Wonderland left behind.

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