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Dr. Nam sat at his desk, replaying the conversation he had with Ryu over and over again.

"Why, they hurt Alice of course. And everyone knows upsetting Alice of Wonderland will lead you to your death. Well, at least, those of us with any sanity in our insanity know this."


He had no idea who Alice was. They had no female patients, at least, not anymore, and there was no staff member of that name either.

"...everyone knows upsetting Alice of Wonderland will lead you to your death. Well, at least, those of us with any sanity in our insanity know this."

He didn't know who Alice was, but the patients did.

"Excuse me, doctor, but the new patient has arrived."

Dr. Nam looked up from the file he had been looking through, or at least, was looking through until his thoughts grew distracted, and stood from his seat. "Very well," he replied as he followed the nurse from the room.

As he approached the main lobby, he saw police officers passing a man dressed in a prison jumpsuit into the custody of hospital security. The newcomer was being hostile and a bit combative, but nothing they weren't used to seeing here.

"Sure you guys don't need help getting him to wherever he needs to go?" One officer asked.

"Thank you for the offer officer, but we'll be fine. This behavior is nothing we haven't seen or dealt with before." Dr. Nam answered with a smile at the officers as he approached the group.

"Alright, doctor, we'll leave you to it. Have a good day." The officers bowed before exiting the front door and climbing back into their cruiser, pulling away from the hospital.

Security was still struggling with the man between them as he grew more hostile and agitated once the police were gone. "Sir, if you don't calm down and continue to be aggressive toward yourself or my staff, I will have no choice but to have you sedated." Dr. Nam warned, but the man continued struggling against the security team, shouting profanities.

Dr. Nam sighed as the man showed no sign of listening to reason, so he ordered the nurse to bring the required sedative. She returned moments later with both the sedative and a wheelchair to transport the patient to his room once he's been sedated.

The patient kept struggling in security's hold, even going so far as to kick his feet out at the doctor and nurse to keep them from him. The security officers were having trouble holding onto him, clearly in need of extra hands to help subdue the patient. Dr. Nam quickly passed the sedative filled needle to the nurse as he moved forward to help with the angry patient.

They tried to hold him still so the nurse could sedate him, but he continuously kicked out at her violently, screaming obscenities at her, pushing and pulling at the men holding onto him. The man was a big guy and a strong one as well. Dr. Nam instructed the nurse to call for more security, as the three of them weren't enough. The nurse pushed her panic button, something all employees had in the form of a security bracelet, immediately setting off the alarm that would send security running.

Other patients, drawn by the commotion, watched as security and the doctor fought to maintain control of, who was clearly a new, reluctant resident of the hospital. They kept their distance as they heard the heavy running footsteps of other security officers heading their way and figured all the excitement would be over soon.


Jungkook suddenly heard the alarm go off just as he made it downstairs, the sound of screaming and running accompanying the warning call. He was on his way to see his Namjoon hyung, he wanted to ask him for help on some of his more... academic homework, but it wasn't safe to be roaming around now. He had turned to head back up to his room, when he was suddenly grabbed from behind. Two bulky arms circled around his neck, yanking him up against a broad chest harshly. He was spun around to face the rushing of oncoming footsteps, the metal chain of the cuffs his assailant wore around his wrists digging deeper into his neck as the man tightened his hold.

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