eleven: need for privacy

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"What — what are you talking about?" I feign ignorance, tucking my gun behind my back in the process

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"What — what are you talking about?" I feign ignorance, tucking my gun behind my back in the process.

Luca stares me down and I shift uncomfortably. How does he know? At this point, this question matters more than any other thing I could ask. If he knows, who's to say Matthew doesn't.

Luca says nothing, instead stepping into my apartment with his hands tucked into his pocket. I watch him carefully, chest heaving in anticipation.

"Your son that you gave up. The son you share with a gangster that was released from prison weeks ago. You said you were unfit and gave him to your mother who kicked you out when you were seventeen."

Him revealing this information is the motivation I need to pull the gun from my back and aim it at him. Of course, this just has to be the second time it's occurred in the time we've known each other.

"How the fuck do you know all this?" I question, forcing my voice to stay strong.

He takes his hands out of his pocket and raises them in defense though the look on his face couldn't be any more indifferent.

"Answer the question, Luca!" I exclaim, eyes tearing up in fear that he knows my entire life story without me even telling it to him.

He steps closer to me and every part of me tells me to pull the trigger, stop him from approaching me. But then, he's in front of me and taking the gun from me with a frown on his face. He unloads it, puts the bullets in his pocket and throws the empty gun on the table.

I stupidly watch him with wide eyes.

"Just trust me, Remi."

"I don't." I sincerely say. A glimpse of hurt flashes across his face but I can't find it in myself to care too much. "Not until you tell me how you know about my son."

His jaw ticks as he stares down at me. "It's not important."

My brows furrow as I push him back, "It is important, Luca. That is my son and if you know about him ..."

"It's complicated —"

I roll my eyes and step away from him, "What could be complicated about it? Just tell me."

He huffs out, "I'll tell you when we find your son." He goes to walk around me and exit the room but I step out in front of him and press a hand to his chest.

"That's not fair." I scoff, holding him back, "You don't get to just come in here and drop shit like this and not tell me how you know it."

"Okay, fine," He grumbles, "You wanna know so bad, then I'll tell you." I wait, crossing my arms over my chest. He stares at me with pursed lips before he opens his mouth. "I am in a gang of my own. However, we have more ... influence than your little boyfriend's —"

"He's not my boyfriend." I clarify but he ignores it.

"— club. I have ways of finding stuff out about people that they don't want me to find out." He bites his lip, "You included."

"So basically I can't trust you with my need for privacy —"

"Not when your life is in danger, no." He deadpans and I bow my head.

I scoff, "I can't believe I thought you cared."

"If I didn't, do you think I would be here trying to help you?"

"I meant about my boundaries, Luca. I would've told you when I was ready —"

"No." He stops me, rightfully so. "You wouldn't have. And I'm sorry I invaded your privacy but judging by that suitcase in the corner and the fact that your son isn't with you right now, you were planning to leave and that would've helped no one. Not even you."

"And how the hell would you know? It's better than staying here and waiting for Ghost to come after me."

Luca steps back finally, "Because if I was as angry as he probably is, I wouldn't stop hunting you down until you were dead."

Everything in me knows he's annoyingly right.

I clear my throat, "What are you saying?"

Luca shrugs nonchalantly as he plops himself down on the couch, "I'm saying we get Jori back." He sends me a look, "Then we kill Ghost."


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