sixteen: force it down

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Pacing uncontrollably and relentlessly, I allow the sight of the skyline to take away some of my stress

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Pacing uncontrollably and relentlessly, I allow the sight of the skyline to take away some of my stress. Some, but apparently, it barely made a dent.

Luca had called in reinforcements which seemed to be his brothers. However, the longer we waited for them to arrive, the more impatient I became. It's been hours of waiting and I was itching to do something in the meantime.

Add the fact that I can barely look at Luca without wanting to walk away completely in embarrassment and I'm ready to just walk into the fire myself.

Luca had gone off to take a shower of his own while I just chose to walk in the middle of his living room, waiting for something to happen. Anything.

"You should try getting some sleep." Luca's voice jolts me from my haze of exhaustion and restlessness. I turn to face him and yet again, I'm thrown by the sight of his bare chest, a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from every inch of him.

Of course the first words that have to leave my mouth are, "You're getting your floors wet."

He arches a brow and descends the two steps leading to his living room. He gets closer until he's toe to toe with me and staring right down at me.

He sighs as he scans my face in that usually intimidating way he does it, "When was the last time you slept, Remi?"

Unable to pull my eyes from him, I frown, "I don't know." Which was the truth. I rarely slept before Matthew got out but it's been a good forty-two hours since I last allowed myself to rest. "It doesn't matter."

Luca tilts his head with narrowed eyes, "For someone who's so set on taking care of me, you need to do that for yourself." He uses the back of his hand to caress my cheek and I find myself leaning into him, "I'll order us some food and we can watch a movie."

I don't argue. I'm starving especially from my stomach being emptied hours before. I remove the image from my head as best I can and just nod.


Situated in Luca's room with a tray of Chinese food between us considering our limited options due to how late it is, I find myself sitting cross legged and staring at the television before us.

Luca is leaning back against his headboard and I can occasionally feel his gaze shift to me but I try my best to ignore it.

The light from the movie often flashes as action scenes play out but I took more interest in the orange chicken in my bowl. Luca had already finished his serving which is understandable considering it's been an hour but I barely made a dent in my meal.

I know I need something in my stomach so I try to push through. Luca must seem to notice my lack of appetite because he sighs.

"Don't force it down, Remi."

I twist my mouth as I try to keep the tears at bay. I'm tired of crying yet my own body doesn't think so.

My efforts are futile as a sob racks through my tired body. Luca silently takes the food from my hands and puts it on his side table before pulling me into his arms.

"I'm sorry." I find myself apologizing, "I know this isn't what you signed up for."

He brushes my hair down with his fingers before he kisses the top of my head, "Don't apologize, Remi." I know he doesn't know what to say. That's why I just cry into his chest for a couple more minutes until I can begin to feel myself fall asleep. "Just sleep and you'll feel better in the morning. I promise."

I do just that — my head against his bare skin and the contact is enough to lull me into a dreamless sleep — only to wake up to an empty bed, covers over me and the room darkened by curtains.

A short glance up points me to a piece of paper on the pillow Luca slept on.

My brothers and I will get Jori. Just breathe.
— L.

happy/merry christmas eve!!!!!!

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happy/merry christmas eve!!!!!!

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