thirty-six: code word

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"Is there a reason you're sitting out here looking as sad as you do?" Farrah's voice cuts through the silence as I sniffle and place my glass of water down beside me.

The starry night is a beautiful sight for a Thursday night, but it's tainted by the thought of Christmas quickly approaching and Jori's fifth birthday shortly after. It's supposed to be a joyful time, a time for smiles galore and excitement but no ... Luca left late last night for New York.

I wanted him to stay for Christmas, stay for Jori's birthday but now all I have is uncertainty when it comes to when he'll be coming back. I couldn't be a beggar or a chooser — he's doing this for me and it's a time-sensitive situation but the selfish part in me wanted him to come home.

Maybe it's justified? I don't know, I just want to be in his arms again and hear his voice despite the fact that it hasn't even been twenty-four hours.

I shake my head, "I'm okay." I say trying to convince myself.

She arches her brow, "Mhmm. Right." She plops down on the beach chair to my right and casts her gaze onto the pool. "You're scared. Nervous. Anxiously awaiting his return."

"And you're not?" I sigh, "Your husband went with him."

Farrah shrugs and pokes her bottom lip out, "I'm used to it. At a certain point, you come to terms with the fact that the man you love is in the most dangerous position in the crime world." She twists her mouth, "Just have to pray and hope for the best."

I purse my lips. I think of the two years in my life where I'd been in a similar situation, only my prayers were for the exact opposite. I hoped Ghost would die and I could run free with my son and not even think about the sticky situation I was once in anymore. And now here I am, in Italy.

"I guess." I trail off. Farrah sends me a sympathetic smile before making her leave, Serina's cries blasting over the baby monitor.

Now submerged in silence, I feel as my phone vibrates against my side. Without a second thought, I slide the green button and answer the call.

"Hi." I release a slight breath of relief.

"Ciao amore mio." Luca's voice travels through the speaker. "Are you alright?"

I scratch my hairline through my bonnet and huff, "Yeah, I just miss you."

He chuckles, "I left last night, love."

I tuck my knees into my chest, "I know. Sorry if I'm being clingy."

"I would want nothing else than to be beside you right now, Remi. Holding your hand, kissing your lips, giving you comfort."

I release a soft laugh, "Is that code word for dick?"

The laugh that escapes his lips is enough for the tears to blur my vision again. I'm so tired of crying.

"I miss you too, baby." He says, tone as sincere as ever. "I miss you and I love you and I can't wait to see you again when I get back home."


I clear my throat, "I love you too, Luca. Just come home safe."

He pauses, "I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice too. I know you told me to stay until Jori's birthday but it was now or never. Ghost is already antsy —"

"I know." I nod, head falling into my hand, "I know. Just ... just be safe, Luca."


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"Just ... just be safe, Luca." Her words ring through my head as I put my white button up over my bulletproof vest.

I felt terrible for leaving but inside sources revealed that Ghost was getting ready to make a run. He's running out of weapons, has no way to get more considering we blacklisted him from all of our allied dealers, his money is dwindling, and word spread that he wanted to go to Italy in search of me and 'what I stole from him'.

What better way to prevent that than to stop him where he stands?

I hadn't told Remi the last part because I didn't want her to worry. What's to stop her from running away again?

If he wants to go to Italy, he does it on my terms — bloodied, bruised, and nothing but a shell of what he once was.

I glance at the clock on the safe house wall. Time to go. "You too, Remi. I love you."

"I love you."

She hangs up and I finish getting ready. Another minute passes as I grab my suit jacket and walk out into the living room. Scattered around the room are the many security guards, Nico, Adri, and Angel sat and stood on and around the couches in the center.

The table before us is filled with briefcases, some with cash, some with weapons, one with a contract that contains our prospective deal.

Adriano throws the last couple stacks of cash into a briefcase and closes it, his jaw clenched in thought.

"What?" I ask, knowing all too well what the look on his face relays. Uncertainty.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you can take care of yourself in there." He huffs, "You sure you good to go in alone and not kill him where he stands?"

My eyebrows fall, "I promised Remi that she would do the honor. I'm not taking that away from her."

sorry for not updating yesterday, it was a very busy day 😭

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sorry for not updating yesterday, it was a very busy day 😭

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