fifteen: a different woman

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While Remi takes a bath, I find myself seated in the spot she tried to 'thank' me in

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While Remi takes a bath, I find myself seated in the spot she tried to 'thank' me in. I knew she was in a relationship with that asshole but I didn't know he'd conditioned her to do shit like this.

Glancing at the bottle of Jack on the table, I pour a glass of it and down it in one go.

She deserves better than what she'd been subjected to for six years.

My heart hurts for her, and it doesn't do that for anyone else.

It's my phone vibrating with a text that makes me huff and take myself out of the sadness I sank into.

Farrah Santino
Adriano told me about what's going on. Please don't do anything stupid. Meaning make sure you keep that woman safe. Please.

Also, your niece is starting to hit people. Think she gets that from you.

Or Angel. I don't know - y'all are both crazy ass mfs.

A chuckle escapes me at her messages plus the picture she sent of Serina, the baby girl smiling widely at the camera.

I think back to Remi who broke down in my arms, her trauma response making her do things I'd never think of her doing. Before today, she was a different woman.

No doubt the sight of her mother's head bashed in and the knowledge that her son is in the grasp of a man she hates is what triggered it.

Hopefully her bath will calm her down, allow her to breathe and come to her senses.

In the meantime, I try to formulate a plan to get said son back. First thing's first — find where he's being kept. I wait for Remi to enter the living room to find where that could be. My attempt to not get sidetracked in my thoughts is thrown to the wolves when she plops down on the floor beside me in the clothes I left on the bathroom counter.

Her skin looks rejuvenated after losing some of her color to her throwing up earlier. Her hair is released from its bun, her curls and coils resting on tense shoulders.

I say nothing in response to her appearance and instead focus on the task at hand.

"Is there a safe house you think he would be held?" I softly ask, taking everything slow.

She exhaled lowly and nods, her head bowing, "Yeah. He has a couple but there's one he kept us in in Poughkeepsie. He would keep me and Jori there while he did his business."

I hand her a sheet of paper I'd been scribbling on, "Remember the address?"

She hums in confirmation but doesn't take the paper, "I'll show it to you."

"No, you won't." I shake my head. She looks up at me, biting her lip. "It could be a trap, Remi. I'm not putting you at risk like that. You're staying here and I'll go get him."

She shakes her head, chest heaving in frustration, "I'm not letting you fix my mess."

"Accept the help." I say blankly. "If anything happens to you ..."

"If anything happens to me, that's on me. I should've gotten him the day Ghost was released. Instead I waited around like I wanted this to happen." She bows her head.

I scoff, "You're not coming." Before she can even open her mouth to ask why, I continue, "I will get backup and we'll get your son, got it? He needs una madre to come home to."

She stares at me for a moment, brown eyes cloudy with tears and frustration. Frustration with me, frustration with this whole situation.

"Trust me, Remi."

My heart beats against my chest when she finally nods.

"Okay." She grabs the sheet of paper and a pen, "And if you see Ghost —"

"Way ahead of you."

closer and closer

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closer and closer

what backup y'all think he gon get? 👀😏

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