twenty-six: strong

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After a soothing shower to end off my night, I exit the bathroom to see my son

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After a soothing shower to end off my night, I exit the bathroom to see my son. I'd expected Jori to be sleeping but no, he's standing beside the bed dressed in a ... suit?

Considering that him and Luca spent the most of the day together — per their request, I didn't expect that this is what he'd be dressed in when I got the text from Luca that they just got back.

"Baby boy, who dressed you up?" I question, stepping closer to him. "Oh." My brows shoot up as I catch sight of the multitude of dresses and heels resting on the bed. "Jori ..." I coo in surprise. He grins widely and I can't help but stoop and pepper kisses all over his face, "What's this for?"

He puts a finger to his mouth and says nothing. Instead, his actions speak for him as he reaches under the variety of dresses and comes out with a sheet of paper.

 Instead, his actions speak for him as he reaches under the variety of dresses and comes out with a sheet of paper

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I arch a brow at Jori who purses his lips to keep his smile at bay.

"What are you guys planning?" I ask and surprise surprise, I receive no response.

After some quiet deliberation with Jori giddily watching me, I decide on a white maxi dress that hugs my curves. As I stand in front of the full mirror in the room, I turn my body to inspect the back of the dress, eyes catching on the scars on my skin.

Of course with the reminder comes the bad memories and the insecurities. What would Luca say if he saw them? Yes, we had sex, but it was dark, my shirt remained on my body and it was a moment of lust and passion that blinded us both.

The last time I wore something this revealing, I was confident with my body — the biggest mark I had was a birthmark down the middle of my back but now, I have burn wounds, healed slashes from knives ...

I'm about to change into something that will cover my back when Jori runs up to me and points to one of the marks on my back through the mirror.

"Look, mommy, we have the same thing." He giggles and uses his other hand to point to the burnt circle on his throat. A pout forms on my face as he continues, "Luca said it's a form of strength but I don't know what strength means."

I stoop to his height and cradle his face with my hands. I clear my throat of any frogs and kiss his forehead, "It's another word for strong."

"Like Superman has strength because he can lift cars?" He questions with an example. I nod. Jori grins and lifts his arms, trying to flex his muscles, "We're strong, mommy."

With his words, I make my decision to remain in the dress. I pull him into a hug, trying to keep my tears at bay but I fail immensely.

Jori rests his hand on the back of my head as I cry into his shoulder, "Don't cry, mommy, we're Superman and Superwoman."

"Yes we are, Jori." I sniffle, "Yes, we are."

i published this book exactly two weeks ago omg

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i published this book exactly two weeks ago omg

but i just wanted to give y'all a small filler with baby Jori and his adorable self 🥲

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