eighteen: silenced

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One fallen body quickly turns into four as the group of us push through the defenses Ghost set up

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One fallen body quickly turns into four as the group of us push through the defenses Ghost set up. Don't get me started on his tacky ass street name.

We waited for night to fall, giving us cover, before moving into the safe house grounds. Angel and Nico hid up on the hills, providing sharp shooting while Adriano and I did ground work, making good use of our knives.

"West wing clear." I hear Nico in my earpiece and push through, adding another tally to my board when I hit another body before he could radio to the rest of his team.

"East wing good." I can hear the smirk in Angel's voice as I hear a silenced bullet fly through the air. I roll my eyes at his insanity.

The safe house itself is located in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests — a good escape if need be. The building uses fingerprint technology so with a now clear path to the front, I drag one of the dead men to the door and wait for my brothers to stand behind me in preparation for what is hiding behind the door.

"Damn," Adriano chuckles as he nudged a man I stabbed in the neck with his foot. "Couldn't save any fun for me?"

I scoff and take the dead man's hand before pressing it to the scanner. When it goes through, I stand to the side, waiting for whatever retaliation is coming.

Just as I thought, bullets come flying, terrible aim and terrible vision giving no form of aid apparently. I release an annoyed sigh before pulling the clip off a smoke bomb and throwing it into the midst of the shooters.

Nico and I share a wicked smirk before we all enter and wreak havoc. Bullets flying and men screaming in pain are enough to make me shoot faster, occasionally making quick use of my knife.

Pushing my way through, I round a corner, my eyes catching on a man stationed in front of a padlocked door. He catches sight of me and lifts his walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"Get the k —!" Before he can raise his gun, I put a bullet straight in his head and run to the door he was blocking. I shoot off the lock and the door creaks open. Suddenly, bullets fly from behind the wood and I'm forced to take cover.

"Shit." I hiss as I glance down at my side, feeling the pain shoot up through me. "Got hit." I announce quietly to my brothers.

Angel curses under his breath, "You good?"

"Yeah, I'm good." I huff in annoyance, "Just pissed off." I decide to antagonize the man inside, pushing the door open with a quick kick but remain in my spot.

"Come any closer and I kill him." The voice behind the door yells after me,

I scoff out in amusement and hit my head back against the wall to move attention from my bleeding wound. Just another one to add to the collection, "Yeah? What's Ghost gonna say when you kill his son, hmm?"

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