Silver eyes

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~Just trying to not get noticed~

I finally made it to the class without problems. I entered the classroom and was met with the eyes of my teacher, who is staring at me like I'm the prey and she is the predator. I put on a weak smile and she frowned.

"Ziakyra Damaris! You're late."

I flinched as she said my name. No one called me by that name since she left. I just realized I don't like to be called Zyakira and how my arrogance never left me I still got the nerve to speak up.

"Miss Jenkins I'm sorry but I'd like to be called Arykaiz or just Ary, but if you insist on calling me by my name please just call me Zi."

All the students in the classroom stopped what they were doing and concentrate their attention on me. The teacher put her pen down and took her glasses off of her nose and looked directly in my eyes without blinking. I took a deep breath and waited for a response or more like a scolding. She leaned down in her seat and put her glasses back.

"Fine Miss Damaris, if you don't like your name that wouldn't be my problem because I am not the one that gave it to you. At this age you shouldn't act so childish and even ask me to not call you by your name and instead to call you how you like. If I accepted this then I should call every student by their nicknames and I'll for sure never do that. So if you don't have any other complains then please seat down in the back of the class next to Mr. Scott!"

At the last phrase she raised her voice and took her pen again to write something on her notebook. I just gone to my seat without complaining anymore because if I continued I will now be in the principal's office and my father will not be too pleased about that. I passed through the other students and sat down next to the boy I assume is..... Mr. Scott? Well she is too arrogant to say his middle name so I am fine with just that, it's not like I want to know my classmates or some other students.

I put my books and notebook on the table and took my pen out from my bag and started to write "the lesson" this witch is teaching. I was getting really bored because I really know almost everything I need to know about this lessons so I don't even know why am I attending this. My eyes landed on the boy next to me. Since I entered he'd been sleeping and didn't even lift his head up when the teacher said his name. His face is buried in his arms that are resting on the desk, so I can't really see his face, I can just see his black curly hair and the piercing he has in his right ear. I think he has more that just one piercing and judging from the black lines that are showing on his arms from his shirt he has tattoos too.

He looks familiar... Obviously he looks like that boy from yesterday but it will be too much of a coincidence to actually be him so I am not jumping to any conclusion yet.

I tried to focus back on the teacher but I just couldn't. My curiosity was always too much and I always found myself doing things I shouldn't because of it. I looked back at the boy and analyzed him again. I wonder how he looks like, I mean he looks attractive just by looking at his hair so yea.

I returned my attention to the teacher and tried to be listening with no luck. I decided to look again at the boy next to me and almost jump as I found him ,with his head up a little, looking directly at me. His head was lifted just a little from his arms so I can only see his eyes, his eyes that are piercing me and making me feel my breath increasing. I was too captured by his beautiful eyes. The silver in them is so metallic, like a blade and I feel myself cut by it every second that is passing. He looks at me like he can see through me, like he wants to find every detail of my life.

I feel my heart beating faster and faster and my hands sweating. It suddenly feel so crowded here...
My vision is becoming blurry again and I feel like I have no air. I should not mind my heart beating like this but every time I feel my emotions on a higher level than normal I panic. I just need to get out of here and now. My body is starting to shake and tears are forming in my eyes. This is not good, my body is reacting on its own and I hate it that I can't control it.
When I decided to sit up a hand grabbed me by my arm and hold me in my seat. He came closer to me and whispered in my left ear.

"Calm down. You are safe with me."

He said that and he moved his nose through my hair. He moved his hand from my arm down to my hand, he grabbed it and squeezed. His face was still in my hair and I felt him take a deep breath. He is so close to me and I feel too many emotions right now.
He noticed that I can't calm down and started to move his thumb agains my hand and squeeze again.

"Focus on breathing." He said and moved his body away from me.

I did as he told me. It's not like I don't know that but with him so close to me I can't control myself and forget everything I need to do.
I started to take deep breaths and soon I calmed down. He came back close to my ear and whispers.


After that he removes his hand from mine and sits up. When he got away from me I finally realized the noises that are in the classroom meaning the class is over. I quickly remembered what just happened and looked around to find that boy. I looked at the entrance and caught just a glimpse of his back before he left the classroom. I am too dizzy to even process what happened.

He..... he is that boy...

I tried to calm down, took my books and headed out. My vision is still a little blurry but I am sure it's him. So his first name is Scott, interesting.
Wait, why do I even care...

I walked real fast out of that classroom and gone in the back of the school. I leaned back on a wall and fell down, catching my breath. A panic attack doesn't go away soon. It will last around 10 or 15 minutes so right now I just need to breath and relax.

How did he managed to calm me down? Who is he?
I am probably overthinking it again. He doesn't care. I need to keep this in mind. He just happened to be there... again.

You can't count that he will always be near you when you need him. YOU DON'T NEED HIM! You can get through this by yourself!

But he makes it easier. He is the first person that knows how to calm me down.

He is just a simple someone. Don't get too attached!

Those voices...

~You feel how you're drowning but you like it~

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