Chapter 14

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After two hours, my hair was finished.
"Okay babygirl," Neicy said, "All finished."
She spun me around and I looked at my now blonde hair, "Damn, I look so different." I got up and moved closer to the mirror. " Thank you so much!"
She smiled, "No problem. For you Jas, I'd do anything."
I turned and hugged her, "Well, I have to go. My mom wants to have lunch with me today."
"I hope she and Justin like the hair." She smirked.
Just then my phone vibrated.

From: Biebs
I'm outside babe :)

I grabbed my sweater, thanked Neicy onemore time and left. I saw Justin's car waiting for me as soon as I stepped outside. Once he saw me, he got out, walked over to my side and opened the door for me.
"Don't you look beautiful?" He said as I approached him.
"Oh, you like it?" I climbed in.
"Of course." He closed the door and ran over to his side. "It fits you." He turned the car on and started driving after putting on his seatbelt.
"I have a lunch with my mom today, wonder wait happened now."
He glanced over at me then back at the road, "Want me to tag along? Maybe I could ease your nerves."
"That'd be lovely." I looked at him. "Thank you."
He shrugged, "It's no big deal."
My phone rang, Jream the scream said. I picked up the call.
"Aye, what's up?"
"You need to come to the apartment." He said, a hint of urgency in his voice.
"What the fuck happened?"
"You need to come see this. I'd send you a pick, but it wouldn't be the same."
"I have to go to lunch with mom."
Justin looked over at me in concern, then back at the road.
"Well, reschedule." He said and hang up.
"Is everything okay?" Justin asked.
"We need to get back to my apartment, something happened."
He nodded, and did a U-Turn when it was safe, and headed towards my apartment. The ride seemed full of just silence. My thoughts consuming me.
I quickly climbed out of his car and into the apartment when we arrived, Justin following me. I opened the door and saw Jream, Chris and Briana sitting on the couch, all in deep thought.
"What's going on?" The all turned to me.
Jream got up, "I went into your room and we'll..." He trailed off.
"What's happened?" I looked at all three of them.
Chris cleared his throat, "Jas, we don't want you to see this but.." He got up and mentioned for me to follow him. I grabbed Justin's hand, and we followed Chris to my room. He was hesitating to open the door.
"We called the cops, right before you came." He opened the door and saw a bloody body sprawled on my bed, the glass from the window surrounding what used to be known as my abuser...
I updated the cover, and edited the previous chapters!
hope you all enjoyed it :)
I'll be writing another story. I can't decide if I should do another Justmine or a Harry Styles one.
Comment what I should do?
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