Chapter 10 *edited

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   "Strike! Beat that Villegas!" Justin said as he hit yet, another strike. "You know, for saying you're going to kick my ass, you suck." He joked.

   "Hey, you're only ahead by like six points." I turned to Chris. "Your turn."

    He got off his phone and walked over to collect his bowling ball, and another gutter. Damn, I can't loose, I don't want to be with Justin for a whole night.

   Chris got into position and damn, gutter ball.

   "That's game!" Alfredo screamed. "Team Bieber wins!"

   Justin stood up. "Come on Jas, I win. You're mine."

   I looked at Chris and flipped him off. "Fuck you."

   "I will." Justin whispered in my ear. "All night let's go."

   "I'll go with Jdrew, give you guys space." Fredo said.

   I followed Justin out to his car and got in. He ran over to the driver seat after opening my door and climbed in.

   "I don't know if I fully trust you with driving." I joked.

   He smiled. "I'm pretty responsible actually." He drove out of the parking lot, "You ready for the long night ahead of you Jasmine?"

   I rolled my eyes, "If I say no, I know you're not going to drop me off home because I know how butthurt you get when you loose."

   He looked over at me, "Well, this is one prize I won fair and square, and I don't plan on letting anyone else grab it."

   I looked out the window, not knowing what to say. I felt Justin's hand on my thigh, I looked over at him.

   "One night with you, that's all I need. If you decide you don't want to, tell me. I have no problem with that."

   I nodded and just studied his face. After about twenty minutes, we pulled up to a house.

   "It's nice out here. No paparazzi, just a bunch of trees." Justin said as he got out.

   I stepped out as he opened the door for me.

   I stared at the huge house in front of me. The were a number of cars in the driveway.

   "Are those all yours?" I pointed at them.

   He nodded, "Just a small variety of different things." He shrugged. "Let's go inside, you can set your bag down, and then I'll give you a tour of the house."

   I nodded and he guided me inside the house. The inside was twice as beautiful as the outside.

   "You can set your bag over by the coats." He pointed to the corner by the door.

   I placed it on a hook and he walked over to me.

   "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" He asked.

   "Why? Can you cook?" I joked.

   "I can actually. Last time you were over, I was sixteen and not as educated as I am now." He explained. "Oh, and I wasn't this sexy." He smiled.

   I rolled my eyes, "You were always a fucking dork though."

   "Come on," He offered his hand. "I'll show you all the important places."

   I took his hand and we walked upstairs. He opened a door and lead me inside. It was a huge room, a bed in the middle. Awards hanging on selves, guitars by the wall. A flat screen facing the bed. Two windows on the right side.

   "This is my bedroom. You like?" He said as he sat down at the edge of the bed.

   I nodded, "It's honestly, better than I expected."

   "Oh, so you've fantasized about being in my room?" He teased.

   I smiled, "I would be lying if I said no."

    He smiled back at me. "I'd be lying if I said I haven't wanted you in here." He got closer to me

   Breathe Jasmine. Breathe. Was I really about to do this?


It's short I know!

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