Chapter 4 *edited

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I smiled as he popped up on my screen, "Hey JB!"

He smiled back, "Hey JV! How have you been?"

"Since the last time we talked? Four hours ago? Good." I laughed, "You?"

"Selena was on the tourbus when I got back from Starbucks."

"What she say?!"

"She said she wanted me to make her shitty move get good reviews. I kicked her out." He shrugged like it was no big deal.

"What movie Spring Breakers? It was so pointless, Bri and I went to go watch it all she did was smoke weed and run around in a bikini I'm not surprised it's getting bad reviews."

He laughed, "You saw it?"

I nodded, "Hey Justin, I have to tell you something." I was gonna tell him. Now's my chance.

"Justin!" Someone screamed on his side, "Hold on Jas." He said to me and started talking to what sounded like Scooter, then looked back at me, "Sorry Jas, I have to go, tell me later?"

I nodded and hung up, I got up and walked over to the livingroom where Briana and Jream were.

"Did you tell him?" Briana asked as soon as she saw me, I shook my head 'no' and she looked down at the carpet.

Jream walked up to me, "Hey guess what."

I turned to look at him, "What?"

"Dad's coming over tomorrow and we're meeting at the park so, don't be sad!" He said jumping around like I little boy.

I laughed at him, "Turn up tonight?"

Briana nodded, "Let's get ready!"

"I'll call the crew!" Jream shouted as Briana and I ran over to my room to get dressed. Turn ups are were we all get together and have a great time just being crazy.

When everyone arrived we had the music blasting and food everywhere.

"Hey Jas what's up with you and the Biebs?" Chris asked stuffing a chip in his mouth.

I blushed, "Nothing. Just friends and this time I'm not lying!" Shaun laughed and winked at me, "Sure Jasmine. Just friends." He put quotations around 'friends'. I just flipped them off.

I log on to twitter:

"@JASMINEVILLEGAS: @Jream_Andrew @ChrisDavid315 @sd_frakes @briana_jean #turnup"

Retweeted some fans, followed a few more and logged out.

Fifteen minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, "Ooo pizzas here! I'll get it!" I screamed and got up, walking to the door.

I opened it and to my surprise, Selena Gomez was standing there...

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