Chapter 7 *edited

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-Jasmine's P.O.V-

Jinsu and Slutle- oops I meant Selena walked up to us, Selena had a smirk on her face.

"Well if it isn't Justgay and Slutmine!" She said, Jinsu laughed.

"Well if it isn't fame whore and woman abuser! Aaww Selena I didn't know you do charity! How much is he paying you? Or maybe, it's just trash day, that'd explain why you guys are together." I said and smiled at her.

Jinsu looked at Slutl- damn Selena.

"Fredo I missed you!" Selena screamed looking at Alfredo. He just flipped her off, gaining a laugh out of me and Justin. Selena gave us a look, as if she was trying to scare us.

"By the way Selena, I heard you and your mom were begging for sex scene in Spring Breakers, that desperate to get fucked? I bet it's 'cause no one wants your ugly ass."

She gasped, "Jah you're gonna let her talk to me like that?

He just shrugged, she gasped again, and dragged him off. When they were out of our way my mom started busting up laughing, "That bitch get her ass told!"

My little brother high-fived me. "Finally! Someone told her the truth!"

I laughed at him, my families crazy.

We walked around the park for a bit, I didn't feel like going on rides so Justin offered to stay with me, "No Justin. Go! Don't let me spoil your fun!"

He smiled, "Jasmine, you're fun! So it's a win/win!" He sat down by me on the bench.

"Justin," I was gonna tell him, finally! "I have something to tell you." He nodded, urging me to go on, "We-"

I was cut off by a fan, "Oh My GOSH!!! Jasmine V and Justin Bieber! Omg!!!!! Justmine!!!! Can I have your autographs?!?!?!?!?!" She said.

I smiled, "Sure luvie!" She sat inbetween me and Justin, her mom taking the photo. We then signed her shirt and she walked off with a huge smile on her face.

"She's adorable!"

"Yeah, you are." He mumbled.

I looked over at him, "What was that?"

"You see Jasmine-"

"Jasmine!!!" My little brother screamed at me, "Let's go it's getting late!"

I looked over at Justin, "Sorry Jay! Got to go. Text me?"

He smiled and nodded. I got up and walked over to my family.

-Justin's P.O.V-

I watched as she walked away, Alfredo walked up to me, "Yo man we should go too."

I nodded, "I was gonna tell her man. Damn, long as day."

"Tell her what? How you feel?"

I nodded, "I doubt she feels the same way."

He shrugged, "Let's go before Scooter kills us."

I got up and Fredo and I made our way to the car.

It was scratched up, "Man what the fuck?!" I screamed, I opened the drivers seat and found a note.

"You'll regret dating that slut. I promise you that Justy. I'm way better ;)


Why did I get into?..


damn Slutlena...

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