Chapter 15

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°Justin's POV°
Jasmine hung onto me as her life depended on it, I just held her close and kissed the top of her head. She had her head nuzzled into my neck and she was sitting on my lap. Jream, Chris and Briana went to the police station for questioning, I took her to my place before the police showed up, so she wouldn't be bombarded with questioning.
"Justin?" Jasmine sat up and looked at me. "Can I stay at here? At your place? I really don't wanna go back in there."
I nodded and kissed her forehead, "Of course. Do you still want to go to lunch with your mom?" My fingers playing with the hem of her shirt.
She bit her lip, "Just give me a couple minutes. I need to recompose myself."
It's been an hour of Jasmine being in this state of denial. She was starting to worry me, but I didn't want to push her.
She got up and grabbed her jacket, I followed and waited for her at the door.
We arrived at a small, yet decent restaurant. Paparazzi, waiting by the door. Jasmine put on her hoodie and I pulled her closer to me and held her waist.
We walked in and spotted her mom in the corner by herself, we walked over and she greeted us with a smile.
"Hi kids, please sit down." She pointed to the chairs across hers and I pulled out a chair for Jasmine, before taking my own.
"So mom, what's going on?" Jasmine looked at a menu.
"I heard what happened, how are you feeling?"
°Jasmine's POV°
How am I feeling? I feel sad and relieved at the same time.
I shrugged, "I'm okay, but at the same time I'm not."
Justin put his hand on my thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I looked over at him and smiled thankfully.
My mom took a drink of her water and looked at us, "Well, kids the news is that I started dating again!"
I smiled, "Oh my gosh! What's his name?"
"His name is Josh!" She sounded so happy.
"Congrats Mama V! Hope he's treating you well." Justin said.
"He is, such a gentleman! Invade you're wondering, I already ordered a pizza."
"Yum, I'm starving." I said.
"I like your hair babygirl!" My mom said. "Did Neicy do that?" I nodded. "That color suits you."
"Yeah, she's a beauty isn't she?" Justin smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "You see that Bern? I give her a compliment and she rolls her eyes."
My mom laughed and shaked her head, "You guys are too cute."
The pizza arrived and we started eating.
"Jasmine Villegas?" I heard a strict, authority voice say behind me.
I turned and saw two cops standing there. "Yes, that's me. Is their a problem."
The grabbed me and put my hands behind my back. "You're under arrest for the murder of Selena Gomez."
ooooooo Selena's gone :(
Hope you liked it :)
I decided I'm going to write a Justmine story, but I can't pick a name. It's either 'Video Games' or 'Lucky Ones' both songs by Lana Del Rey
so comment :)
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