Chapter 12 *edited

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   I woke up the next morning, an arm drapped around my naked waist. I was wearing nothing but a duvet. Justin's breathing hitting my neck. I sat up, trying not to wake him and looked around to see that I was Justin's room. Memories from last night flooded my head and I couldn't help but smile.

   "Get back to bed." Justin's hoarse voice said. "It's early."

   I looked at the clock, "It's almost ten."

   He laughed, "Babe, it's Sunday and I have nowhere to be. I don't care if it's two."

   I kissed his cheek, "I'm going to go shower. My hair is a mess."

   He tightened his tattooed atm around my waist. "Just stay a little longer."

   I sigh, giving in and lay there, looking up at the ceiling. Justin's breathing still hitting my neck, causing goosebumps to appear.

   I look over at him, his eyes closed, hair scattered over his pillow. His lips partly opened. His toned chest in clear view, rising and falling with every breath he took.

   I looked back at the ceiling. I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have down that with him. I shouldn't have made that stupid deal with him. He knew he was going to win, I knew it. Hell, everyone knew it.

   "Well, Neicy wants to dye my hair today." I said as I ran my fingers his hair.

   He nodded as he placed his head on my duvet covered breast. "Just for a bit Jas, then I'll take you wherever you want. Ok?"

   I nodded and he looked up at me through his lashes, his hair still covering part of his eyes.

   "You're beautiful." He thought out loud.

   I looked away from him and over at his tan colored walls. His look burning the side of my face.

   His phone rang on the night stand. He groaned and sat up, reaching over to grab it. He looked at it and then over to me.

   "I have to take this. Stay here." He put on his boxers that were laying on the floor. He got up and walked out, answering the phone before closing the door.

   I looked around his room and saw letters and pictures from his fans on the wall by his drawer. I grabbed the duvet and wrapped it around my body and got up from the bed. On the other side, he had some photos of him when he was younger. The one that stood out to me, was the photo from the set of 'Baby.' I smiled at the memory.

   I heard the door open and Justin walked in. "Do you wanna shower first or should I?"

   I looked at him, "I will." He nodded and walked into the bathroom. He wasn't ever this quiet. I sighed and walked into his bathroom.

  Once I stepped out, I missed the warmth of the water and quickly got dressed and walked out. Justin was leaning against his headboard, his arm resting behind his head. His eyes fixed on the TV. He looked over once he noticed me there and smiled.

   "I'm going to take a shower, then we can get breakfast. Sound good?" He got up and walked over to me.

   I nodded and he gave me a quick kiss and walked off into the bathroom. What's wrong with him?


I'm such a horrible writer! I completely forgot about BYL!

I'm back tho ❤

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