Chapter 3 *edited

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I looked at the girl who broke my heart then laughed about it, sit on my couch.

She slowly started standing up, "Justy, I missed you!"

I let out a dark laugh, "Who let you on the tourbus? I thought we agreed to no thirsty bitches inside."

She gasped, "Justy! Don't say that I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get back together." She smiled up at me, my mind only thinking of Jasmine.


"Well.." She looked down at her uggs, "You see Spring Breakers is getting alot of bad reviews and well, I wanted you to help."

I laughed, "You only want me to make your shitty movie look good?" She nodded slowly, "Get the fuck out Selena. Never come back, don't come looking for me. I really loved you and all you did was laugh about it. What the fuck did I do to you? I was immature? Get the fuck over it! You're the one always begging me to be me. You changed me, I hate the way I am now. It's all your fucking fault!"

She looked mad, "Oh so you're gonna go out with that slut Jasmine?!"

I felt my jaw stiffen, "Jasmine is not a slut! You don't know anything that's happened to her! You're not a princess, you're a fame whore, Jasmine's beautiful. She's amazing, she brings out the real me. She doesn't want the fame, she wants to do what she loves. You on the other hand? You want shit you don't need. Act like a bitch to my friends then act like a perfect little princess to the media? I don't get you. Now get the fuck off my tourbus or I'll have them take you away." I said pointing to the door.

She grabbed her phone off the couch and stormed off, slamming the door in the process.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair.

-Jasmine's P.O.V-

"No  it was really awkward but I liked it." I told Briana. She just looked at me, "What?" I smiled.

"Girl you've got it baaaad!" She smirked at me. I looked down at my pink pajama shorts and then saw my phone light up.

-One New Message-

From: Bieber

To: Jazzy V

Ayyye Jas :)

Briana was reading it over my shoulder, her mouth formed a perfect "o". I replied a simple 'hey' and locked my phone. She smiled at me, "Jas do you still like him?" I looked at my blue pointed nails then at Bri.

"To be honest, I have no idea how I feel. I miss Justin. I miss him so much but I don't wanna disrespect his fans, that's the reason we didn't go public back then. I don't wanna be seen as someone who's using Justin for fame. I wanna be known as Jasmine V the singer."

My phone lit up again;

-One New Message-

From: Bieber

To: Jazzy V

Not gonna lie, I missed you :(

Briana squealed, "Girl, he loves you too! Shit Justmine is back! It's been trending on twitter for hours now!"

I texted Justin back:

From: Jazzy V

To: Bieber

Missed u 2 Justin!

And logged on to twitter, I retweeted some fans, followed as much as I could and went to the trending topics. Alfredo's was top tweet, followed be a bunch of photos of me and Justin taken years ago or manips. I smiled at them and quickly logged off.

"What am I gonna do?" I asked as I put my face in my cheetah pillow. She just laughed, "Confess your feelings." She took the pillow away. "Stop hiding from the truth."

My phone lit up. I stared at the text.

"What's it say?" Briana asked looking at the phone.

"Give me my laptop he wants to Skype." She walked over and unplugged it from the charger and handed it to me, "Tell him how you feel, this is your only chance. Don't let it slip away." I nodded at her and watched her walk out.

My computer beeped, telling me I had a call: Justin Bieber it read ..


Is she gonna tell him?

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