Chapter 8 *edited

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I walked into the house.

"Ight!" Jream said causing us to all look over at him. "I have something to tell you guys."

"Which is?" Mom asked, looking at Jream curiously.

"I'm moving to Miami." He smiled, looking over at us.

My smile faded, he's leaving.

He walked over to me, "Jas, just cause I won't be by you, doesn't mean I won't be there for you. You're my sister, I love you with all my heart. Plus, you can come and visit. I know how you love Miami!" I smiled.

"There we go! Be happy!" Jream said hugging me.

"Jream, when are you leaving?" Justin asked. *Not Bieber, her little brother*

"In a week." He said as he walked back to where he was before.

I took my phone out, and logged onto Twitter. "@JASMINEVILLEGAS: i'mma miss u when u go to Miami :( @jream_andrew" I tweeted logging off, putting me phone back in my pocket.

I got up, "Well, it's been quite a day. I'm just gonna go take a power nap." I walked up to my big brother, who's always been there for me, "If it makes you happy, I'm happy." He smiled.

I walked into my room, changed into some shorts and a tanktop, and lied down.

I woke up about two hours later, I heard my moms laugh. Probably coming from the livingroom. I walked out and saw her sitting with Justin and Alfredo.

They all looked over at me, damn creeky floor. Justin smiled at me, and I smiled back.

"Villegas!!!!" Fredo screamed and ran over to me, giving me a bear hug.

I laughed and looked at my mom, "Where's Jream?"

She pointed to the kitchen, Alfredo sat back down by Justin. I made my way towards the kitchen. Jream was sitting on the little island we have, drinking what looked like orange juice. I walked over and hugged him.

"I don't want you to leave, but I'm being selfish. You're not just my brother you're my best friend. I love you so much. If moving to Miami is what you want to do, then I'm on your side 110 percent."

He hugged me tighter, "Thanks Jas." He pulled away and smiled at me. "Go to Justin."

I looked at the door, "Soon."

-Unkown's P.O.V-

I looked through the window. Jasmine was talking to her brother. As soon as he leaves she's alone. No one to help her. I smiled at my thoughts and went over to the living room window, making sure I was unseen. Justin, Alfredo and Bern were in the livingroom.

Selena walked up to the door, I smirked knowing what I had in store for her.

She banged on it, "Jaslut!!!! Justy!!! I know you're in there."

I looked back into the window, seeing Jasmine and Justin look at the door.

Boy was this gonna be fun..


Super short! I know don't kill me!

I'll upload more now that testings over :)

Hope you liked it!

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