Chapter 13 *edited

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The car ride back from Denny's was quiet, so was the one to Denny's. The meal was eaten with simple small talk and just us talking about the old days. Maybe last night didn't mean to him what it meant to me?

I felt his hand grip my thigh as we drove down the busy Los Angeles highway.

"What's on your mind?" He asked looking over at me and then back at the road.

I shrugged, "Nothing really."

"I know when something's bothering you, what is it?" He squeezed my thigh, making me laugh. I don't know why it tickled.

I cleared my throat, "It's just" I shifted in the passenger seat to get a better look at him. "Be honest, what did last night mean to you?"

He looked over at me again, biting his lip in concentration. "What it meant to me?' He thought for awhile. "To be honest with you, it meant everything to me. I realized how stupid I was for letting you go, how young we were when we met and just realizing how much of a prick I was to not realize how special you were to me. I hope we can try to make something between us work, I want to try this again Jasmine."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "Your fans mean everything to you and I can't let you do this to them. Don't get me wrong Justin, my feelings haven't changed for you and I don't thing they ever will,' I admitted. "But, I know how much you love your fans and how much they love you and having a girlfriend would crush them."

"So that's it?" He said. "You don't want to be with me because of some hate you might receive?"

"No, Justin I'm used to the hate. Shit, 6 years later and I'm still getting hate. It's just that I feel you should focus on them a little longer, you broke up with Selena not too long ago and another relationship would crush them." I squeezed the hand he had on my thigh. "I would love to be your girlfriend again, but now's not the time."

He smirked, "Fine, looks like I'll have to change your mind." He glanced at me. "You'll wish you were dating me sooner than you expected to Jazzy. Just you wait."

"What game are you playing here Bieber?"

"The one I plan on winning Villegas." He smiled at me and I flipped him off.

We arrived at my house and Justin walked with me to the door.

"What time is your hair appointment?" He asked as he looked at his shoes.

"Half an hour. Why?"

"Aren't you going to invite me in? I figured I'd give you a ride to Neicy's."

"Uh, yeah. Ok, come in." I opened the door and moved to the side to let him in.

I walked in behind him, "I'm going to go get ready.' He looked over at me. "You can chill in my room and watch TV." I suggested.

He nodded, "Show me the way." He grinned and I walked in front of him and walked into my cozy, little bedroom.

"Remotes on the nightstand, watch whatever." I said as I walked off into the bathroom and started fixing my makeup and decided to put my hair in a side ponytail.

Their was a knock on the door, "Jas?" I heard Justin's voice.

"Yeah?" I responded

"We're leaving in five minutes let's go."

I groaned and closed my makeup bag and walked out of the bathroom. I walked into my room and Justin wasn't sitting on the bed like I thought he would, I shrugged and put on some perfume. I walked out and immediately felt arms wrap around me and lips on my neck.

Justin spun me around so that I could face him, his minty breath hitting my face and our bodies as close as possible. His lips quickly attached to my neck again, his arms now sliding under my shirt and resting on my breasts. His fingers pulled my bra up just enough to expose my nipples. He started kneading them, sending vibrations down there, making me moan. His hand guided down into my pants and passed my pantie line.

His lips still attacking my neck, his fingers then went to my sex and he groaned.

"So ready for me." He said once he detached his lips from my neck. I whimpered at the loss of contact.

He then smirked and all the lust from his eyes was nowhere to be found, "Come on, don't want to be late for your appointment." And walked off, leaving me desperate for more.



Here ya go!

enjoy ♡

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