Chapter 1 *edited

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I walked off set, "Great job Jasmine!" My brother, Jream shouted as I finished filming my music video for "Paint A Smile", I smiled. "Thanks Jream." I hugged him.

"Jas! You've got a phone call." My manager screamed at me. I walked over to her in my sweats and t-shirt.

"Who is it?" I asked.

She winked at me, "You'll see." She handed me the phone and walked off.

"Hello?" I said when I put the phone up to my ear.

"Jazzy! It's me Fredo! Member me?" Alfredo screamed on the other line.

"Hey Fredo! Long time no talk!" I smiled.

"I'm sorry to hear about Jinsu-"

"You were right," I cut him off. "he was no good. I just wished I listened to you." I ran my finger through my hair.

"That's not important anymore. Why don't you come meet us! We're in L.A. and I miss your ass like crazy!"

I laughed, "Ok, Starbucks tomorrow? For lunch?"

"Ight sounds cool. Bye Jazzy V!"

"Bye Fredo!"

°Alfredo's P.O.V°

I hung up with Jasmine and turned on the laptop and looked up, "Didn't Mean It"

"Fredooooooo!" Justin screamed and walked in and stopped when he saw the video. He looked at the screen as Jasmine was dragged into the next room. "She didn't deserve that." He said finally.

"Yo Jay, you still like her or what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"No, I mean why would I?" He said, but his eyes said something else.

"Why do you still have the relationship bracelet?" I said looking down at the bracelet around his wrist. He put his sleeve over it.

His phone buzzed,

"@JASMINEVILLEGAS: Jasmintors! Big news #PaintASmileonitunes #jvbeanie #paintasmilevideo all come out 1/22!" The text read.

"Bro, you get her tweets as texts." I smiled.

"Do not!" He protested.

His phone buzzed again;

"@JASMINEVILLEGAS: also, #jasminatorbracelets come out on 1\22"

I smirked up at him, "Well good thing she's meeting me at Starbucks tomorrow! You should come with!" I smiled big at him.

He just shook his head, "Naw it's a bad idea. I'll probably make it fucking awkward, then it'll be all bad."

"Fine, but you know you miss her."

He looked down at the bracelet, "I do." He mumbled under his breath.

°Next Day / Jasmine's P.O.V°

I walked into Starbucks and ordered a mocha, I sat down at a table, took my iPhone out and started tweeting quotes I made up in my head.

I heard the door opened. I smiled at the familiar face. "Fredo!" I got up and hugged him. "Missed you Jaz!" He said.

I sat back at the table and waited as he ordered his drink, my drink came and I started sipping it. Alfredo came back and sat across from me, "How have you been Flores?"

He grabbed my Starbucks and took a sip of it and handed it back to me, "Great! Busy with tour, I've seen you've been busy. Love your music."

I smiled, "Just finished a music video yesterday."

He nodded as his drink arrived, "Can't wait to see it!" He took a sip of his coffee.

"January 22! It's a sequel to Didn't Mean It." I said proud of all I've done.

Alfredo was looking at something over my shoulder, I turned around and was met with the eyes I'd thought I'd never see again.

The eyes belonging to Justin Drew Bieber...

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