Chapter 11 *edited

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Warning: Sexual content, if you don't want to read. leave now. xoxo.


I felt his lips on my neck. "If you don't want this, tell me now Jasmine."

He looked up at me. "I want this." I kissed him back. I took his face in my hands and he pulled me onto his lap. He kissed down my neck. His hands were on my waist, pushing me closer to his body. His hands glided up my sides and onto my hands, taking them to the edge of his shirt. I could feel him growing under me.

I lifted his shirt over his head, making him remove his lips from my neck for a while. I looked down at his now exposed chest. He definitely has been working out. The tattoos that covered it were so exotic looking to me.

I could feel his eyes on me, watching if he had my approval. I looked up at him. He was biting his lip. He hooked his fingertips to the bottom of my shirt, lifting it over my head and onto the floor with his shirt.

"I'll take good care of you Jasmine." He whispered into my neck. "Promise."

I nodded, not caring at all if he was lying, because at this moment nothing else mattered. I kissed his neck and down his chest. From his chest, I went to his stomach. I got off his lap and down to my knees in front. He propped himself up with his elbows. His lustfilled gaze on me.

I kissed right above his boxers and started unbuttoning his shorts, pulling them and his boxers down. He was at least nine inches and I was ready for this.

"Don't be scared. Do what you want, I'm not pushing you onto anything Jas."

I took him in my hand, making him gasp. I leaned in and licked just the tip, tasting his pre-cum. He threw his head back. I took just the head in my mouth. He looked up at me and his hands found the back of my head. I slowly took him in my mouth inch by inch. I couldn't take all of him, I got at least six inches in.

I started bobbing my head back and forth on his shaft. His hands guiding the speed he wanted, and I was more than happy to pleasure him. His brown eyes were locked onto me. Minutes passed, and his breathing became heavy.

"Stop. I don't wanna cum yet." He said.

I took him out of my mouth and his arms found my sides again and he picked me up, making me face him. His lips found mine again, his hands unbuttoning my jeans. I unclipped my bra and let it fall to the floor. Justin pulled away and guided my pants to the floor. Leaving goosebumps wherever his fingers trailed.

He pulled me closer to him and took my nipple in his mouth. His left hand finding my right one, massaging it. I gripped onto his hair and moaned out.

I felt him smile against my nipple. He took it out of his mouth and took the right one now in his mouth. His left hand now trailing down my stomach and into my thong.

I gasped at the sensation of his cold fingers on me. He started rubbing my clit, then he inserted a finger without warning. I moaned out, letting my head fall back.

"Lay down, I want to taste you." He took his fingers out and pulled my thong down. He guided me on the bed and we switched spots. Now, he was the one kneeling in front of me.

I felt him his kiss just the top of my pussy then, he licked my clit. Making me moan again. He started licking my clit agonizingly slow.

"Faster Justin."

He started picking up his pace. He inserted a finger into me, increasing the pleasure and my moans. His right hand went up to massage my breast. I couldn't take all this pleasure, I was going to release until Justin completely stopped.

"Justin!" I whined.

He walked over to his counter. "Not yet." He grabbed a condom and ripped the wrapper, he threw it away and slipped the condom on.

"I'll ask you again, are you sure?" Justin asked.


He didn't need to be told twice. He slowly slipped himself in. I gasped, he felt amazing.


That was awkward. I know it's not a full sex scene, but yes. This is how I picture sex with Justin and Jasmine.

Thank you. I love you! ❤

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