6) How did they find u ❣️ (Yelena belova )

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Yelena :-

" Turn right " kate said .

" Stop saying what to do...It's so annoying " Yelena snapped back ..She has become a very rough assassin after Natasha's death .... it has been 10 long years after her death ...

Yelena turned left and shot a man ...

The red room was again created ...So they were in mission to destroy it....They have joined the avengers ..

It was almost done and they were about to left ...Kate had put bombs all over the red room... And they were about to run while a large shrill cry ....

" Let's go" kate grabbed Yelena's hand ..

" No...Wait " Yelena said and ran towards the shrill cry ..

She pushed a room and found a crib ... She pepped in and found a baby ... She picked u up ...

U wiggled in her arms ... Without any further hesitation she walked off there with u..

*Time skip*

They came to stark tower ....

" Where did u find the baby?" Peter asked ..He was now in charge of everything after tony died ..

" Uhh in the red room...In a crib ..Can u examine her ?" Yelena said

" Yes pass her " peter said and took u .. he examined u ..

He brought u back and gave u to Yelena ...Everyone was there in the room...

" So what did u find ?" Falcon asked

" Uhhh ... The baby is 3 months and it is ur daughter Yelena " peter said

" WHAT ...? THIS CANT BE TRUE ..NO NO NO " Yelena said shaking her head ...

" This is true...They have taken ur DNA and formed the baby ..Remember u went missing for 10 months ...And came back just 3 months ago. Ig they made u pregnant with some technical stuffs and u were sleeping for these months while the baby grew and they wanted someone like u ..So they created her and make her grow inside u and they wanted to use her so they made u unconscious and threw u away knowing u would take her away ...But still u found her " peter said

Yelena was crying but silently ...Kate consoled her

" It's ok..She is safe with u now " kate said

" Yes she is ...Hi baby this мамочка ( mommy ) ....And I won't let anything happen to u ...shh don't cry " Yelena said and u looked at her with big brown eyes

" She looks like u "pepper said ..

"But I can't be pregnant " Yelena said

"Yes they rejoined ur fallopian tube and again broke it after her birth " peter said

"Oh thats so much ...But i am happy that i got my daughter back " yelena said looking u ...

" So whats her name ...?" Clint asked

" Uhh ... Natasha belova" Yelena said smiling ..

U cried loudly ... Yelena took u to her room ..

" hi u are мамина девочка ( mama's girl ) ... Ig u are hungry " Yelena said as she sat positioning u ..

She wasn't sure if she could breastfeed u as she wasn't sure if the milk was formed ...But she make u latch on her breast ....

U suckled and she felt that milk has filled ur mouth ...U were happy ..

She kissed ur head ...She has turned from a deadly assassin to a beautiful caring mom in just some time ..With all ur innocent heart and ur love ..

After nursing she burped u ...She was admiring u while she thought of something

She came to the common room with u sleeping in her arms ..

" Hi how's everything going ?" Kate asked

" Everything is fine " yelena smiled back

" I wanna take sometime off from my this job .... Because i need to care for my daughter " yelena said

" Yes ofc ..No problem...But u would be safe if u stay in this compound" peter said

" He is actually right " bucky said

" Oh yes...I wont go..But i wont do any mission or anything " yelena said

It was already late ...So she took u in room ...

U were again fussing...She cooed u up and down and cradled her singing russian lullaby..

U again slept..

She carefully placed u beside her make pillow tower all around u...

She kissed ur head ..

" Sleep baby..Mama is here always to love u and protect u .....I love u so much " yelena said ...U smiled in sleep ..

" Aww мамина девочка ( mama's girl " yelena said stroking ur belly ...She slept beside u


Thanks for reading

Hope u like it


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