10) moms return ! ❣️(Yelena and kate )

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*Yelena is g!p but no smut *

Yelena's pov :

" When will we reach home ?" Kate was very much excited to see our daughter .
We have been out for one week . So y/n was with nat .

I am married to kate for 6 years now and We had y/n 1 year ago . She is really small and very cute .

" Just some more time " i said chuckling on kate's excitement .

" U are over excited for her ..Never were that much excited for me !?" I said raising an eyebrow . She looked at me with brown orbs .. she pulled me into a kiss ...I melted... It was warm and passionate.

" I need to focus on driving " i said pulling off ...

" Fine babe . " Kate said and smirked

In some minutes we reached our home . We rung the door bell .

Nat opened the door smiling .

" Mommy ! Mama !" Y/n ran to us .. she wasnt wearing any clothes . Just in her diaper .

She ran to me first . I picked her up .. and kissed her head ...

"How are u baby? Did u disturb ur aunty nat a lot ?" I asked ...

" Mw fwine. Mw no distuwrub auntiw nawt" y/n said making a pout.

" Now will u come to me ?" Kate asked stretching her hands ....y/n leaned to kate ..

She folk y/n and hugged tightly in her arms .. kissing all over her face ...

" I was just dressing her but u both came and she ran " nat said ..

" Oh thats ok .... Thanks for taking care of her ...." Kate said to nat .

" Ur wlcm...It wasnt. A problem ...She is very good girl" nat said making u giggle.

" Really ? Is she ?" I said giving a fake gasp ... Everyone laughed ..

Nat went to her home after sometime...

" Now u need to get dressed baby . Its cold " kate said rubbing y/n's back ...

" Nw ..clowthes " y/n whined...

" No baby u have to wear ." Kate said ... Y/n stretched her arms to me

" Mommy ...warmy "

" Ok ...come to me baby " i said taking her to my lap ...

She got into my shirt ...It was stretchable enough to fit y/n ... She went all up and put her head out of my shirt ... She looks like a baby koala .

" Now no cold " y/n said to kate... I laughed out loud . ..

" U are like me y/n " i said and kissed her head ..

" Yes she is ur girl ..she doesn't love her mama . " Kate said and made fake sad face ...

She immediately went to kate and hugged her wrapping small hands around her....

" I lowve u mama ...So mwuch ...sowrry.." y/n said as her lips quiver . FUCK SHE IS SENSITIVE LIKE KATE .

" oh no no baby. Mama was just making fake sad face.. i know u love me..." Kate said but y/n sniffled putting her head on Kate's chest ...

Kate looked at me ...I smiled ....

" Babe I am hungry ...We need to make dinner " i said

" Oh yes sh- ...Sure ... I am making it. .y/n u stay with mommy and watch cartoon while I make dinner .. " kate said passing y/n to me .

We watched paw patrol ...It's her favourite cartoon ... after sometime

" Babe dinner is ready " kate yelled from kitchen ...

" Yes one minute " i said and put a t - shit on y/n ..

I went their picking y/n up in my arms .
I took some mac and cheese in my index finger and tasted .

" Umm so good babe " i said smacking ny lips ...

"Mommy mw " y/n said holding my hand ..

" Ok ok wait " i took a small mac and cheese in my hand and put it in her mouth ..

" Iwts ..twasty " y/n said giggling .. i and kate smiled at her cuteness .

We sat down to eat ... Kate was trying to feed some mac and cheese to y/n ..She continuously moved her head from side to side ...

" U have to eat something !" Kate said ..

" Mommy's milky " y/n said putting her hand on Kate's breast ... I laughed choking on my food ..

" Don't laugh babe ...I know she loves my milk ...But this she has learnt from u " kate said pointing to y/n's hand on her breast ..

I laughed silently ...

Kate pulled her shirt up and y/n latched on her breast suckling to get milk ...

" Can u eat while feeding her ?" I asked

" Yes yes " kate assured me ...

After our dinner ...I washed the dishes .While kate made our bed ... And dressed y/n in PJs ..

After doing dishes ...I went up stairs and saw kate humming lullaby for y/n .. while stroking her hair ..

" Is she asleep babe ?" I whispered

"Yes babe " kate said smiling ...

"Isn't she the cutest baby ?" I smiled looking at y/n who was sleeping peacefully ...

" Yes ...Because she is ours " kate said pecking my lips .

I pulled her by her waist and kiss her passionately .. she hummed ... We pulled off ..

We laid down on either side of y/n ..

" I love u babe " i said looking at my beautiful wife .

" I love u more babe. " Kate replied .. we snuggled together and slept

Thanks for reading ...

Hope u all like it ..


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