32) First word/words ❣️(dr.strange)

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Dr.stephan strange :-

Well , i have a very happy family with my wife , Christine palmar ..we have a daughter named y/n..who is just 8 months now and can only babble ..

"Hey honey goodmorning" i said kissing on my wife's lips .

"Goodmorning babe " she said kissing me back..

We heard y/n whine .. yea! She is fussy in morning and specially when i kiss Christine.

"Lemme get her " i said getting up from my bed walking to her crib....she gave a big smile as she saw me ... She looks lot like Christine ... I picked her up and went to Christine ...

She immediately made grabby hands to her .. she is extremely clingy to her mama ... And it's very cute...

"Morning baby" Christine said kissing her head . Y/ n made some noises from mouth ..it's her feeding time so Christine started to breastfeed her while i made some breakfast... After i came with plate of breakfast, i saw them playing

" Aww thanks honey" Christine said as soon as she saw me....

She is so beautiful omg ... Y/n was playing with her toys herself...

I still don't know if she possess any powers so we are not very much tensed for now ..

" Well she has grown up fast " Christine said ..

" Yea she did.. but do u think she will have power" i asked putting some cake in my mouth

" Ig so...cuz i sensed her powers when she was in my womb...idk how but i did " Christine said smiling..

Just then we looked at y/n and saw her fingers sparkle as she played... She flicker her fingers and it made her toys fly..

" See i told u" Christine smirked..

" OMG wow..for now we need to control it babe.." i said

She nodded .y/n looked at us cheerfully and excitedly ..

She opened her mouth as if she was gonna say something.... Christine instantly took her phone out ... Y/n did the miracle... She said "mawgic mamaaaa" ..and giggle while the sparkle continued to happen...

I was so happy that i picked her up ..kissing all her cute chubby face ... She giggled

" She is special i told u " my wife smirked ....

"Yea she is...that why she is y/n Palmar strange" i said and she made out plates flew away..

" Well we need to control this now..else we will be out of house one day too" Christine said and we laughed...

Y/n started giggling... We kissed her head... She is the best daughter.. our baby .


Thanks for reading

Hope u like it

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