26) First words ❣️(wanda)

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A/n - sorry for late update . So so so sorry . I have been busy with my exams and new book . But it will end on 8th march but I will update this book as others too . I studied for almost 10+ hours today . And still i took coffee to give me energy .. hope u all are fine and good .

Please vote the story and thanks for supporting . Love u all ❤️


Wanda maximoff :

Wanda was making some breakfasts for our family . Her 10 year old boys, Tommy and billy wants pancakes while her husband vision wants only some coffee . Wanda's 10 month old daughter ,y/n i.e u is still breastfed by her And now she is just playing with her dad . So wanda am not worried .

" Billy , tommy the ball must not go out of the garden " wanda yelled as she saw her boys playing at the yard and the ball was about to go outside the compound .

" Ok mom " tommy said and got back to playing .

U were babbling with vision as wanda gave his coffee . He took it .

" Be careful with her " wanda said .

" Yes yes I know babe " vision said . As expected u made grabby hands to vision's coffee

" No u can't have it . U will have ur milky but as soon as ur brothers come in to eat their food . " Wanda said to u. U looked at tommy and billy .

"Mm " u made some noise .

" U wanna say something ". Wanda and vision asked their daughter

U didn't reply anymore . Nor did u made any noise .

" Ig its just a burp" vision said and just then they heard a loud glass breaking sound .

They looked too see that tommy and billy has broken their own window .

Wanda put down u on couch and both of them ran outside .

" I said u both to be careful " wanda said in stern voice .

"Sorry mom " they said .

" Ok but u will do some extra chores for 2 months and that's ur punishment " wanda said ina loud voice .

" Ok mom " tommy and billy said

Meanwhile u were on couch . Playing with ur toys .

U saw ur mum scolding ur brothers and they came in . U were smiling at them as if u were teasing them being cheeky girl .

" Mum look at y/n" billy said . And u giggled at them . U knew they were punished .

" Ok y/n no more laugh " wanda said . But u still smiled .

" Boys come and eat ur food and then u have to do chores " wanda said .

Suddenly u realised that u weren't fed yet . And u started to whine and fuss .

" What happened y/n ?" Vision asked . U whined .Making an anrgy pout.

They were done with breakfast . Just then the doorbell rang . And wanda went .

Wanda opened the door to reveal Agatha .

" Hi Wanda . " Agatha said and.came in . She picked u up .

" Aww y/n is growing so fast huh " Agatha said picking u up but u made grabby hands to ur mum .

Wanda took u . U were quiet but as time passed u became more hungry . U started to pull her shirt.

" Y/n stop " wanda said and u cried .

" Mweilky mama bwoobie " u said there words for the first time . Wanda didn't realise but then.

" Omg mum sis said her first words . Wow and three together " billy exclaimed.

" Oh yes babe . See y/n said her words " vision was overjoyed .

" Well done baby girl " wanda cheered but all u wanted was ur milky .

" Mwilky " u said and again tugged her shirt .

" Ok baby i am sorry mama will give u milky " wanda said . She pulled a towel over u and her chest. She unclipped her bra and pulled up her shirt to reveal her breast . U immediately latched on her nipple and sucked hungrily .

After u were done Agatha left and wanda burped u .

" Mama " u said now in a happy tone and played with her hairs .

Everyone was happy .

" Wow babe she said three words together . That's cute " vision said . Wanda smiled. She made some butterflies and birds with her magic and u giggled .

U copied her and suddenly ur power showed .

" omg . Her power is exactly like u mum "tommy said

"Yes that's true but we need to keep her safe " wanda said worried .

" She is strong like u babe " vision said . I were playing with ur powers and were happy .So wanda didn't mind for now . She was proud of u .

She kissed ur head and said .

"My little witch "


Thanks for reading

Hope u like it

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