16)How did they find u ❣️(carol)

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Carol danvers :- (captain marvel) .

As I was eating my breakfast my indicator started to bleep . It was from the skrulls.

" Please help us carol . We are in danger again . Some people has attacked us " the head skrull said in voice message .

I got ready in my suit and flew off to outer space .

I went to their planet . I saw some monster looking humans. attacking them .

" Carol help us " they yelled. I defeated the people . They looked like humans but they werent.

" Thanks a lot danvers. Thanks for helping us again . "One of the skrulls said .

" Ur wlcm. And its my duty to save u all . " I said smiling .

" Carol we found this inside the space ship of the creatures " head skrull said and passed me a blanket. I pepped in to find a baby .

" Its a baby . Is she normal or ?" I asked .

" The baby is normal . Actually these creatures were humans who turned themselves into monsters. They wanted to make the baby a monster too but they could not because something malfunctioned in their space ship . So its normal " the scientist skrull said .

" What will u do with it danvers?" Skrull asked .

" Umm take the baby back to earth with me for now . Ok i have to leave . Avengers are calling me bye" i said

" Bye carol and thanks "they said and i came back with the baby .

As i enter the compound . Everyone looked at me with surprised face. My wife , Valkyrie came to me .

" Why on earth u have a baby in ur hand ?" She asked .

" I will explain babe . Wait . Everyone please sit down " i said and everyone sat down .

And I explained them the whole story .

" Is it a boy or girl?" Tony asked . I checked .

" Girl " i said . " Tony can u check her ?" I asked

" Umm yes " he said and took the baby from me .

He did some tests while I talked with Valkyrie in our room .

" So what will u do with her ?" Valkyrie asked .

" Umm i don't know !" I said . But deep inside i wanna keep her as our baby . I and valkyrie have been trying for a baby for years but everytime it failed . I had miscarriages and Valkyrie can't get pregnant .

" U wanna keep her as our baby ?" Valkyrie said out of no where . She understands me well .

I nod . She hugged me . " U could have said it babe . I was thinking the same . Both of our pregnancy has failed . So it's better to adopt and she is perfect " she said kissing my forehead .

Just then tony entered .

" She is fit and fine . Nothing has been changed in her human nature . And she is just 3 days old . " He said passing the baby to me .

" Thanks a lot tony " i said

" Ur wlcm ... So are u two gonna keep her ?" He asked .. and everyone looked at us .

"Mhm... We will adopt her " i said and wanda , maria and Natasha hugged me .

" Thats a good news... Wow " natasha said .

" But we need to shop for her " pepper said .

" Yes .. let's go " i said and we went for shopping . We bought many clothes , cribs and all baby stuffs .

"So what will u name her ?" Pepper asked .

" Umm y/n?" Valkyrie said .

" That's a perfect name babe " i said and she pecked my lips .

We came back and I ate breastfeeding pills . Valkyrie was babbling with y/n while she cried out loud .

"Babe ..She is hungry " Valkyrie said passing y/n to me . As I have superpowers , the milk formed instantly .

I sat down on bed positioning her .I pulled my shirt and bra down while Valkyrie helped y/n to latch on . As soon as she latched on she suckled fast.

"She is so cute babe . I am happy to have a small family with u " Valkyrie said .

" I am happy too babe . I love u ... And her . I will protect her no matter what " i said looking at My daughter who was peacefully having my milk .

I put my head on Valkyrie's shoulder and she kissed my head . We both looked at our precious daughter who we have just found but she has already become our world .

Thanks for reading .

Hope u like it ...


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