20) unexpected shock ! ❣️ (wanda and Loki ) requested

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Thanks to love_chrisevans for the idea .


Age : newborn , 2 weeks , 1 year

Y/n = Athena .

Tw : none .

A/n - Hope u all like the story , please read it and vote it ... Thanks a lot . I am tired after typing so much .. so I am gonna rest .. and I have found some wanda and Loki picture .. i have given at last of my story hope u will like that too . Love ya ❤️

Narrator's pov :

It was a beautiful morning in Asgard but not for wanda again . She didn't found her husband , Loki beside her when she woke up . She came outside of her room .

" Hey wanda ! Good morning " Jane said as she saw wanda . Actually wanda stayed with Loki in asgard . Thor , jane and their twin boys of 6 years old stayed in asgard too . Frigga and odin was also there in asgard . But odin has gone for a war and he would not come back for long time .

" Good morning Jane . Do u know where Loki is ?" I asked .

" No wanda . I haven't seen him after the dinner last night " Jane replied .

" Auntie wanda " both of the twins Yelled and run to wanda to hug her tight . Wanda hugged them back .

 Wanda hugged them back

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(Hermes and Helios )

" Hey Hermes and Helios ... Good morning . " Wanda said and they smiled .

" Thor , do u know where is Loki?" Wanda asked as she saw thor running behind the twins .

" No i really don't know " Thor said picking up both of his sons .

" Ok ...Thanks " wanda said and walked through the corridor . After sometime, she heard someone's voice .

Wanda opened the door to find Loki cuddling with another woman . And they were half naked . Wanda was furious.

"LOKI ...!! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" wanda yelled .

They both sat up . Loki was shocked . But didn't get nervous about wanda finding him cheating .

" Why are u here ?" Loki asked with a calm voice .

" And do I need to explain to u why?" Wanda questioned back .

" What are u here for ?"loki asked .

" Was gonna tell u something . But are already with this mistress of urs. I HATE U " wanda yelled . By that time the mistress has left and everyone came in .

" Why are u shouting ? What happened ?" Jane asked . Wanda could not control but broke down .

" U need to explain us wanda "Frigga said rubbing wanda's back .

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