14) Finding out ❣️( Yelena and kate ) requested

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Requested by love_chrisevans

Yelena is g!p

Y/n = natasha

A/n - i just love kate and yelena ship so much ...If any ideas come to ur mind ... Feel free to give it


Yelena's pov :

I woke up to see my beautiful wife talking on phone . I laid down in bed looking at her as sunshine fall on her face . After the call she came to me .

" Hey babe good morning " she said. I was admiring her beauty .

" It wa-" i cut her off by putting my index finger on her lips . She looked at me with brown eyes ..Her eyes met my green ones .

I pulled her for a kiss . She sat on my lap straddling her hips on my buldge . It got harder .

I kissed her down the neck leaving hickeys and sucking on them .

" Umm babe " she moaned which made me harder . Suddenly after a long kiss she got out of my lap . I whine .

" What now ?" I asked making faces .

She laughed . " Not ready for a morning sex babe .. anyways client called us for a dinner at their place . " Kate said .

" Ohk.. fine .. but why do wear baggy clothes now ?" I asked . She is wearing this for a few months .

" Uh just like this ..They are comfortable " she said and pecked my lips .

" Now let's go and make our breakfast ...I am making some pasta with macaroni with hot sauce as u love " she said and winked at me . She made our breakfast and we ate it .

*Time skip *

It was evening and we went to Clint's house .

"Hey come in guys ..How are u all?" Laura said .

" Hi .. kate and yelena" lila said and hugged us .

" Uh all good ..How are u all?" Kate asked

" We all are fine ...So how is ur married life ...It has been 8 years ." Clint said .

" Yes it's going so good ..." I said and pecked Kate's lips .

" And don't u have any planning about a new member ?" Lila asked

" Uhh we are trying ...Btw i heard Cooper has a girlfriend " i said and Cooper laughed . Actually I and kate were trying for a baby for some years but it's so tough to get kate pregnant .

" Yesss he has and he kissed i saw" nathaniel said in a sweet voice ..

" Brother i said no to tell it !!" Cooper said and we all laughed .

We sat and talked having a great time together . It was winter month and there was chilling cold outside .

"Hey here is coffee for everyone and children will have hot chocolate with marshmallow " laura said placing down coffees and hot chocolate cups.

" Before we move on .. i would like u share something " kate said standing up .

" Yes umm say " i said and we all looked at her .. she opened her jacket and her baggy clothes . She was wearing a tight shirt and we noticed a small buldge in her lower abdomen.

"Omg really?" Laura said .. kate nod .
I was a bit confused... Kate understood . She took my hand and placed on the buldge abdomen .

" We are gonna have a baby " she said which made me jump . I picked her up and danced . I kissed her lips . Tears flowing down my cheeks .

" We are h- having a baby .....Omg wow .. i - i just c- can't believe it's hap- happening . " I said and knelt down to her abdomen ..

"Hi baby ...I am ur mommy ..I love u so much my baby ..." I said kissing the little bump . Kate was crying but they were happy tears .

" And I am ur mama ...U are always protected and loved by us baby " kate said . Everyone cheered .

"How many months ? Ig it's 16 weeks ?" Laura said

" Yes it is ... " Kate smiled .

" Take care of the baby well and urself . So happy for u " Clint said and hugged us .

Cooper and lila hugged us including Nathaniel .

" So i am gonna be an aunt ?" Lila said .

" Yes haha" we all laughed and cherished our moment together .

*Time skip *

Kate is now in labour from past 20 hours . Now she is trying hard to give birth .

" Push one more babe " i said holding her hand .

" UGHHHHH AHHHHHH " kate pushed with all her power and we heard a ear shattering cry of our baby .

" Yelena belova and kate bishop belova , u have a healthy baby girl " the midwife said and I jumped . I wanted a daughter . Kate smiled at me weakly . Her chest was rising and falling . Midwife kept the baby on Kate's chest .She is still attached to the umbilical cord .

We both could not hold our tears back . Finally after so long years , we have a healthy baby girl .

The baby cried on and on until midwife cleaned her up and I cut the cord . The midwife now put her in a pink blanket .

And gave her to kate .

" Omg she is so perfect and cute " i said while caressing her cheek .

" We have a daughter who is beautiful and perfect " kate said and kissed the baby's head .

" Hi baby i am ur mama .I love u so much " kate said and the baby opened her eyes .

" Omg she has ur eyes " kate said as our daughter's eyes were green .

" Yes babe .. hi baby i am ur mommy " i said and took her . She is my everything ...

Just then everyone came in to see her .

" Omg she is so cute " lila said .

" Yess ... She is " i said being proud of my daughter .

" What is her name ?" Clint asked

" Uhh i wanna give her the name natasha to honor my elder sister ... " I said and we all thought how happy would natasha be to see her niece .

" Thats is a perfect name .. " kate said and hold my arms .

Everyone adored natasha .

After some time they left as natasha needed a feed because she was crying .

Kate took our baby and put her closer to her chest. ...... Baby wasnt latching on .. so i hold her and kate put the nipple inside her mouth and she sucked. She tole me to release her head as the milk has filled her mouth .

" I love u babe ...Thank u so much she is our everything .. our world " kate said admiring while feeding our daughter .

" I love u too babe ..Thanks for giving me the greatest gift of my life . Yes she is our world " i sat down beside kate . She was tired but happy . So she put her head on my shoulder while we both saw natasha . This is my perfect family which i will die for ..


Thanks for reading ...

Hope u all like it ..


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