11) How did they found u ?❣️ (Bucky )

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Bucky Barnes ( winter soldier ):-

Bucky's pov :

" Oh shit i have to cut the bushes in garden . " I said as I woke up and sat on bed .

" Daddy " Daniel, my 7 years old son jumped on my bed . My wife died when daniel was just 2 years . I am a single dad and work by myself to provide for my family .

" Yes my boy ... Daddy is gonna trim some bushes .And then make our breakfast . What do u want for breakfast ?" I asked

" Umm pancakes but with nutella for me " daniel said ...I chuckled .

" Ok ...Will u help daddy in garden ?" I asked

" Yes daddy " daniel got excited .. we went to our garden .

I started chopping some bushes while daniel played beside me .

I head a cry ... It's not normal ...So I took our my gun and stepped into the bushes . I went further until I found a basket . I pepped inside the basket and saw a baby ... I picked it up .. and examined it ...It's a girl ... I searched for her parents but there were no one .

I came back with the girl .

" Daddy what is it ?" Daniel asked

" Umm ...It's a baby ...I found her in bushes " i said and smiled ..

" Oh so she will stay with us ?" Daniel asked

" uhh . For now yes " i replied

We went in the house ..And had breakfast ..the baby had no clothes and no food so I have to gp for shopping

" Daniel I need to go to shop to buy some clothes for her and some food " i said

" I wanna come " he said jumping .

"Ok let's go " i said and we went to market to buy some stuffs .

We brought every baby stuffs including baby formulas ..

I came home ...Now the baby cried again ..

I made baby formula and put it in bottle . I positioned her and put the nipple of bottle on her lips . She immediately latched on and drank milk fast .

"Oh baby...U don't have to be so fast ... It's not going anywhere " i said and she slowed down ..She has beautiful green eyes . I smiled at her .

Just then daniel came with note in his hand .

" Where did u find it baby boy ?" I asked

" In the basket .." daniel said and passed it .. i opened it and read .

Hey Bucky , u don't know me . But I do .And the baby is ur daughter . I am Jessica . I am a soldier like u but they used to to reproduce the baby using ur DNA . She is just 5 days old .But they would use her. Which I don't want . They have already shot me in my stomach and I won't live for long . So I give u our baby to keep her safe with u ...She is safe with her daddy .. I love her too .Oh her name is y/n btw .Thanks a lot Bucky . Bye.

I remember jessica . She was a bright girl . Omg ... And This is my baby ... She is so sweet .

" Daddy?" Daniel asked

" Yes ?" I looked at daniel .

" She is my sister ?" Daniel asked

" Yes she is did u read the note ?" I asked

He nod ..

"So will she stay with us ?" He asked

" Yes ...U want that ?" I asked

He nod ..

" Yay i have a sister .. " daniel jumped a little .

I chuckled at his excitement . I saw y/n already fell asleep while drinking milk .. so I pulled the nipple out of her mouth ...I have to burp her ..So I gently bobbed her up and down and she burped ..

I took her in my arms and she completely fit in them .. she felt cozy and warm .. i was so happy to have a daughter .. she yawned a little and slept .

" Daddy she is so sweet ..I love my sister and will protect her always " daniel said

" I love her too baby boy ..She is my baby girl ...And I will protect her no matter what " i said and kissed y/n's head . I adored her

Thanks for reading

Hope u all liked it .


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