13) How did they find u ❣️ (Dr strange )

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Dr strange :-

It is a fine morning in NYC . I have already woke up and was going through some books to know about multi verse while I heard my wife , palmar waking up .

" Hey baby good morning " i said to her .

" Good morning babe .. " she said. And loosely played with her hair . I went Kto her and pecked her lips . She kissed me back .

" Dr . Strange . I have found something in multiverse door . ..I took it in and it's this " wong said passing a big blanket .

" What is this ?" I asked .

" I don't know . I found it and brought it straight to u " wong said . I opened the blanket and found a sweet baby ..

" What is it wong ? Is the baby dead ?" I asked

"BABY??" palmar gasped .

" Yes see " i said and passed the baby to palmar.

" Omg ...It's a girl and it's just born .. see there is still blood and amniotic fluid on her body .. someone has threw the baby in multiverse .. but its a magician like u strange else they cant open the multi verse door ." Palmar said while rubbing the baby's back and blowing wind in her mouth ..

" But is the baby dead ?" I asked

" No ..Wong bring me the suction tube quickly " palmar said and we did what she said .... She sucked the liquid out of baby's mouth .. but nothing worked .

" It's not working .." palmar said nervously ... We all were confused .

" Wait let me reverse time on her ...When she was just born " i said and reversed the time using time stone .

The baby again got covered with blood and fluid and was warm now as if she just came out .

" Now try .. " i said and we tried the whole process quickly .. palmar was efficient doctor . After rubbing the baby's back for long time . She finally cried and everyone plastered a smile on our face .

" Omg she cried " palmar said . I saw her happy tears. Unknowingly tears ran down ny eyes too .

" Now let's give her some warmth .... For now u hold her " she said to me .

I took the baby in my arms .. it was my best day of life.... She snuggled in my arms feeling the warmth.

" Pass her " palmar said and I did but she cried . We were startled . Palmar gave her back to me .. and she stopped crying .

" Aww she loves to be with u " palmar said .. i smiled at the innocent baby .

" We have to buy clothes .. u stay with her i am going " wong said

" No i wanna shop for her " palmar said.

" Ok fine let's go " we all went to the shop buying clothes and all stuffs .

Palmar bought so many clothes , strollers , crib and lots of baby stuffs . We came home .

Palmar dressed the baby .. she took her in her arms and the baby was quiet.

" So what are u gonna do with her ?" I asked .

" can we keep her ?" Palmar asked . I was thinking the same .

" Yes . I was thinking the same babe . We have been married for 7 years and didn't have any baby . So I want a baby now and she is perfect " i said looking at the baby who was fast asleep.

" Yayyyy ...Thanks babe ...But What will be. Her name ?" Palmar asked

" How about y/n?" I said .

"That's a very sweet name .. wow " i said .

Now y/n suddenly cried a lot .

"Ig she is hungry but I just took a tablet and I can't produce milk now " palmar said .

" Yes but I can help "i said and again fast forward the time .

" Oh ...Yes I forgot thanks babe " she said smiling .

Now palmar made y/n latch on her breast and she drank the milk fast .

" Oh slow down baby ...U will get all of the milk " palmar said rubbing y/n's tummy and she slowed down a bit .

"I am so happy ...I have a baby now and I feed her...I am a mother to a baby girl " palmar said as tears dropped .

" Yes and I am a father now " i said happily.

After y/n was done with her feed . She latched off and palmar burped her .

" Hi baby . I am ur mama ..I love u so much my baby girl and this is dada" palmar said and y/n smiled . She has big green eyes .

I carassed her cheek with my finger while she hold it with her small hand .

" U wanna go to dada ?" Palmar asked . Y/n smiled again . I took y/n in my arms carefully .

" Hi baby ..I am ur dada ...I am always here to protect u and love u " i said and rocked her . She slept .

" This is the best day of my life " palmar said putting her head on my shoulder admiring y/n in sleep .

" Mine too .. " i said while admiring my small family which I always wanted .

Thanks for reading ..

Hope u like it


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