19) How did they find u ❣️ (Agatha)

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Suggested by love_chrisevans. Thank u for suggestion .

A/n - Hope u all like Agatha .Because I do . Although she is villain .I love her . Anyways ..Hope u love this story and please vote it .

* Here Agatha is not a villain type of person . She has powers and she is witch but not villain . Wanda ,vision and no one is here only Ralph is her husband*

Agatha's pov :

I was coming from store after buying groceries . I was humming songs .

" Hi Agatha " one of my neighbour said .

" Hi ..How are u ?"i asked.

" Oh we are fine . How are u ?" She asked .

" We are good too " i said . We stood and talked for a while until I again started to walk towards my home .

I went to my house and saw a basket in front of my door . Something was inside it because it was moving continuously .

I put my bags down and started to use my powers . My hands glow.

" RALPHH" i yelled . He opened the door .

" STAY " i yelled and he moved back . I brought the basket near to me carefully and saw a beautiful baby wiggling it's arms in it .

(This baby)

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(This baby) .

Although it was wiggling it's arms and legs . It was shivering . I quickly put it in my sweater . I went inside while Ralph helped me take our groceries inside .

" It's a girl " i said .

" Hey I found this in the basket " Ralph said and passed me a note .

Note -

Hey Agatha ,

Hope u are fine . I am ur old friend Abby and this is my daughter y/n . She has powers like u . She is just 1 day old.. When I was pregnant some people abducted me and injected me some serum . So she is born powerful like u . And this people will kill me now . So I am sending her to u . She will be safe with u i know. When u will read this letter I am dead . So my last request is please be y/n's mother and treat her like ur own . She needs u . Keep her safe and don't tell her about me ever . Tell her she is ur daughter , ur own .Hope Ralph accepts her . I don't know if have any kids .. if u do ig they will accept her too . Anyways they will come in any moment ... Bye Agatha .. keep y/n. Safe ..

From Abby

I teared up and looked at y/n in my arms . Ralph was also in verge of crying .

" So u accept her?" I asked .

" Ofc i do.We were about to adopt and this angel came to our house . " Ralph said

Actually we were trying to be pregnant for long time but we could not due to some problem in me ....We were gonna adopt but just then y/n , our angel came into our life .

" Hi baby .. i am ur mama " i said and she looked at me with bright blue eyes . I kissed her head .

" Babe we need to buy cribs , stroller, her clothes , bottles , formula " Ralph said .

" Wait i will breastfeed her " i said .

" How ?" He asked .

" Don't forget i am a witch so I form milk my magic . Anyways let's go for shopping like normal people .. i would love to shop for her " i said. Ralph nodded .

We went for shopping and bought lots of baby stuffs .

" Let's set her crib " ralph said

"Can u hold her for sometime ?" I asked ralph .

" Umm yea " he was nervous . So I showed him how to do it .

" Omg she is so small . " Ralph said and I chuckled . He was dancing softly and was humming songs.

" She is gonna be daddy's girl " Ralph said .

" Not at all .sh-"i was cut off by y/n's cries .

I took her from Ralph and she stopped. But she sniffled.

" She is momma's girl " i said and Ralph made faces . We both laughed .

Y/n was fussing and making movements with her mouth .

" Ig she is hungry " i said and snapped my finger to vanish my shirt completely so that I can feed her freely . I guided her to my breast and put the nipple in her mouth . She sucked with fast until milk filled her mouth and she hummed . Now she slowed down . I relaxed myself and nursed her . After sometimes she latched off and I burped her .

She gave out a small burp and I praised her .

"Good girl " i said and dressed myself . I put her closer to my body so that she feels my warmth . I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead . Her eyes fluttered and she fell asleep after a while .

" Finally we are happy again " Ralph said smiling at our daughter .

" Yes and she is cute . I love her so much " i said kissing her small head one more time .

" Me too babe . I love u too " Ralph said pecking my lips .

" I love u more babe ". I said and we admired our baby in sleep . Our new little world

Thanks for reading .

Hope u like it ❣️

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