23) Daddy's girl ❣️ (Tony Stark and Pepper Potts)

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Age : 2 years old

Tw: none .


Pepper's pov :

I was done breastfeeding y/n . Tony sat up on bed .

" Dadaa" y/n said making grabby hands to tony .

" Wait a minute baby" he said but y/n is impatient . She sniffled now yelling the word " dada "

"Ok ok fine " Tony said and took y/n . She can't stay without her dad for some minutes and is clingy to her dad . I love it
But sometimes feel jealous . Her first word was " dada " .

" Dada plwy" she said .

"Ok frist let us eat breakfast and then " tony said and she nod .

" Ok i am gonna go and make food " i said and went downstairs .

I heard father and daughter babbles . I smiled ..

Tony's pov :

" Dada cwan mw gwet a new iwron swuit" y/n said .

" Shh ..No baby ...Not now else ur mama will kill me " i said . She nods .

I heard pepper calling me for breakfast . So we went downstairs .

"Dada chwwesez" y/n said making grabby hands towards cheese in my plate . I picked up some with my spoon and fed her.

" Yum yum " she said thumping her small hands on table for more .

" Ok ok . I will give u some more " i said and gave her some more cheese .

" Ok so I will leave today as I have some important meetings . Babe u please be with her " my wife said to me .

" Yayy fun" y/n cheered .

" No fun y/n . U both be good " pepper said .

" Yes baby no fun ..." I said and winked at her . She nod with a cheeky smile .

After pepper left .

" Dada. Swhowpping " y/n said while playing with her suit .

" Oo u wanna go shopping ?" I asked .

She nods .

" Ok let's go " i said . I picked her up and buckled her to car seat .

I drove to the kids store ..

" Now what do u want ?" I asked .

" Tht .And that and that too " she said pointing to the toys . They were expensive but I didn't care .

"Ok ..." I said and told the attendance to help me pack up the toys . .

" Dada those too " she said .. after we were done . I saw that she brought almost the whole toys in that shop .

" Sir , it's $50000... Pay in cash or card ?" He asked .

" Card " i said and swiped the card .I paid it .

" Thanks dada " y/n said kissing my cheek .

" Ur wlcm baby girl " i said while buckling her seatbelt .

After sometime we reached home .. she got all the toys out . And started to play ..

*Time skip*

It's almost evening . We had our dinner already . Pepper said she had a meeting . So she will have dinner with the clients .

After we were done . I washed the dishes . Just then the doorbell rang .


I knew it was pepper . I opened the door and pepper kissed me .

" Mama " y/n ran and pepper picked her up . She kissed on her cheek . Pepper came inside our living room while she asked y/n about her day and all the stuffs.

" Omg who brought these ?" Pepper said as she walked into the living room filled up with y/n's toys.

" We went for shopping " i said and y/n nod .

" Yes I understand but these many .. u are spoiling her tony " pepper said passing y/n to me and got angry

" See babe calm down . We had y/n almost 8 years of trying. I can give her these if I can afford . And I am not spoiling her . She just wanted so I gave . We will be good parents pepper . Giving a child so many stuffs doesn't mean to spoil her ... And we will take control from next time " i said

" Everytime is next time tony . Now if she will spoil. U are the responsible one ". Pepper yelled .

" Don't tell pepper ... See y/n is scared " i said as y/n put her face in my shoulders crying .

" She should learn too" pepper said .

" Dada . U giwve thw towys back . Mw no wan it . Buwt nw fwight pleaswe. Mama mw sorry " y/n said making a cute face and tears running down her cheek .

" Oh baby sorry . We didn't mean to fight and we won't return this but no buying toys before 10 months . U already have so many " pepper said and kissed y/n's head .

" Yes baby ...We are sorry to fight " i said as she put her head on my chest sucking her thumb .

I put the pacifier in her mouth . I cradled her until she fell asleep .

" I love u baby girl " i said kissing her head and pepper did the same .

" I love u 3000" she mumbled as we watched our baby in sleep .

Thanks for reading .

Hope u like it .

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