Sleepover (Mirabel)

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{THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST @catradoraqgrayskull }
(Y/n) = your name
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour
Pronouns used: she/her

{ROMANTIC} {THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST @catradoraqgrayskull }Keys: (Y/n) = your name(H/c) = hair colour(E/c) = eye colourPronouns used: she/her

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Casita de Madrigal was full of laughter as the two friends (y/n) and Mirabel enjoyed their sleepover. They danced, did each other's hair, did a fashion show, played fun sleepover games, and all in all had fun. Typical sleepover things.

(Y/n) was sound asleep as the clock hit about one in the morning. Mirabel on the other hand was wide wake, worrying thoughts creeping into her mind the more she stared at her ceiling. Mirabel was sleeping in her bed and (y/n) was sleeping on a spare mattress the family.

"Psst, (y/n)? Are you awake?" "huh? Well I am now, what's up?" (y/n) grogly asked as she turned to look up at her friend. "C-can you come sit with me on my bed? Please?" Mirabel weakly asked as she hid from the (h/c) haired girl's line of sight. Letting out a sigh (y/n) agreed and moved up to the bed, taking her blanket with her.

"What's up Mira- woah! woah! What's wrong?"
(y/n) questioned as she now noticed the tears streaming down the Madrigal's face. "Why couldn't I be like the rest of my family? Why didn't I get a gift like the rest of them? Am I not special? Am I just a burden to them?" Mirabel asked in a whisper, though loud enough for (y/n) to hear. "Oh Mirabel" (y/n) started as she grabbed her friend/crushes shoulders to make her look in her eyes. "Listen to me, you are not a burden and are just as special and unique as the rest of your family okay? It doesn't matter if you didn't get a gift because you are still a Madrigal, and you are still you. Gift or no gift that doesn't change the fact that you are the true gift. You don't need a gift to be amazing, and if your family can't see that then screw them. The fact that you don't have a gift doesn't change the fact that I love you" (y/n) spoke.

Quickly turning her head Mirabel gasped as (y/n) pulled away to cover her mouth. "What did you just say?" Mirabel asked. "I-" (y/n) cut herself off as she looked down at the beds mattress, not daring to make eye contact as she let tears stream down her face. "(Y/n), do you have a crush on me?" Mirabel slowly asked. (Y/n) sadly nodded her head back in return. Mirabel blushed as she grinned, though (y/n) couldn't see that.

A pair of arms wrapped around the crying (e/c) eyed girl. (Y/n) looked up in shock only to be pulled into a kiss. Slowly melting into the kiss (y/n) hugged Mirabel back, her face turning beat red because of it. Breaking the kiss Mirabel took a moment to stare into the girls eyes. God they were so pretty to her. Mirabel smiled as she started attacking (y/n)'s face with more kisses. "I love you too" she said as she did this. "What?" (y/n) gasped, pulling back. "You heard me! I love you" Mirabel giggled as she placed her hands on her hips. "So, will you be my girlfriend?" she asked. (Y/n) took a moment to process everything until nodding her head back excitedly. "Then it's decided," Mirabel said as she clapped her hands together. "We are officially dating! Now get over here!" the two girls laughed as Mirabel pulled (y/n)'s head down to rest on her lap.

Half an hour passed by of the two talking and (y/n) felt herself being pulled into sweet sweet dreamland once again. Noticing this, Mirabel chuckled as she leaned down to place a kiss on the girls forehead. "Goodnight Mirabel" (y/n) mumbled as she closed her eyes. "Te amo, mi amor" Mirabel whispered as (y/n) fell into a deep sleep once again.

Okay this request was really cute ngl. Also Dolores was totally listening being like "go best friend go!" and just smiling like a proud cousin. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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