Loosing Your Touch (Luisa)

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(Y/n) = your name
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour
Pronouns used: she/her

It was a calm day for (y/n). The village was beaming with joy after little Antonio's gift ceremony and she could tell everyone was happy. The (h/c) haired female hummed a little tune to herself as she moved things from around her shop. Her family owned a small second hand shop in the middle of the town that people would frequently visit.

Everything was quiet until a certain Madrigal bargged into the shop. "(Y/n)!" Luisa cried. Instantly dropping what she was doing, (y/n) ran to the front of the store to see her girlfriend of 2 years, crying? "Luisa what's wrong?" (y/n) said as she brought Luisa to the back of the store aka the break room. "I'm loosing my gift!" Luisa exclaimed as she sat down. (Y/n) took a step away in shock. "W-what?" she quietly asked. "MirabelandIweretalkingandwehadaconversationabouthowI'mprobablyputtingtomuchontomyselfandsoItriednottobutthenwhenIwascarryingthedonkeyswhenItriedtoputthembackintothedonkeypenthedonkeysfelt HEAVEY!" Luisa yelled as she cried more.

(Y/n) quickly went to comfort her by hugging her. "It's okay Luisa, it's okay" she said calmly. "Does your abuela know?" she asked. Luisa looked up at her and shook her head. Letting out a quiet sigh,
(y/n) nodded her head back. "Alright then, we should tell her" she stated.

Luisa stood up quickly and grabbed the (e/c) eyed female by the shoulders. "But what if I loose my gift forever?! What will I do if I can be strong enough for my family?!" she practically screamed. "LUISA!" (y/n) yelled back, knocking the girl back into reality. "Breath, breath. It's okay. You don't need to be super strong to be a miracle for us all. If your family is too blind to see that because of a gift then they don't deserve you." (y/n) said with a small smile.

Gently wiping her eyes with her hand Luisa hugged her girlfriend of 2 years. "Thank you (y/n), I needed that" she said. Luisa smiled and broke the hug. "Now, let's go tell your abuela!" (y/n) said as she and Luisa walked together to her casita, hand in hand the whole way.


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