I Love You Too Much (Isabela)

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(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/c) = hair colour
(H/l) = hair length
(E/c) = eye colour
(Y/h) = your height
🌸= time skip
⭐️ = play the song up above!
Pronouns used: he/him

{ROMANTIC}{THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST @Sel_xyd }Keys: (Y/n) = your name(L/n) = last name(H/c) = hair colour(H/l) = hair length(E/c) = eye colour(Y/h) = your height・🌸・= time skip⭐️ = play the song up above! Pronouns used: he/him

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It started with a note. A note that made a certain Madrigal's heart leap out of her body with joy.

"Mi Amor,

Meet me by the pond at midnight, I'll be waiting"

Isabela instantly knew who the note was from, and needless to say she was over the moon with joy. It was from him. The man that made butterflies appear in her stomach whenever she heard his voice, and made her face heat up when ever they made eye contact. Her crush, (y/n) (l/n). He was a simple man, with (h/l) (h/c) hair and unique (e/c) eyes that drew Isabela towards him in the first place. When he arrived in the town of encanto with his family when they were young she was curious about him, and little did she know he felt the same way. The two soon became close friends, their feelings for each other growing stronger with passing day.


When it reached almost midnight the oldest Madrigal grandchild jumped out of her window using her vines and raced as fast as she could to the pond.

When she arrived she gasped at the sight. Leading towards the man she was looking for was a trail of beautiful candles, the flame on each one of them making the scene more and more beautiful to the woman. She followed the trail taking everything in as she did so.

⭐️ (play the song up above!)

"I love you too much"
"To live without you loving me back"

At the end of the candles was (y/n) sitting down by an already made picnic and playing the guitar, singing a love song.

"I love you too much"
"Heaven's my witness and this is a fact"

Smiling at the man and making eye contact Isabela grinned as she saw how beautiful and amazing everything was. 'He clearly put time into this didn't he?' she thought.

"I know I belong"
"When I sing this song"
"There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much"

Gesturing with his head for Isabela to sit down (y/n) sent a toothy grin at the girl then focusing back onto the guitar.

"I live for your touch"
"I whisper your name might after night"
"I love you too much"
"There's only one feeling and I know it's right"

Getting the hint Isabela walked over and carefully sat down on the layed out blanket on the opposite side of the (y/h) male.

"I know I belong"
"When I sing this song"
"There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much"

Isabela took her hand and placed it on her heart as she heard her best friend and crush sing. To her it was the most wonderful sound in the world, a sound she could get lost in everyday of her life.

"Heaven knows your name I've been praying"
"To have you come here by my side"
"Without you a part of me is missing"
"Just to make you my whole I will fight"

'Almost there, you can do this' (y/n) thought as he stopped singing for a moment. 'This may or may not be the biggest moment of your life, just don't panic and keep playing' he was nervous of course. I mean who isn't when confessing your feelings to the love of your life after being friends for so long. He was afraid he was pushed into the friend zone.

"I know I belong"
"When I sing this song"
"There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much"

Taking a moment Isabela looked around and admired the rest of the work he put into this whole thing. There was an already made picnic with Isabela's favorite food inside the picnic basket and her favorite drink as well, there were even more candles placed on the rocks surrounding the pond, and to top it all off there were Isabela's favorite flowers and plants scattered all around. 'This must have taken him all day' she thought as she beamed with glee at the scenery.

"I love you too much"
"I love you too much"
"Heaven's my witness and this is a fact"

Taking in big breathes of air as he sang (y/n) let the worries and anxiety fade away as he saw Isabela's expression as he sang.

"You live in my soul"
"Your heart is my goal"
"There's love above love and it's mine cause I love you"
"There's love above love and it's yours cause I love you"
"There's love above love and it's ours if you love me as much"

(Y/n) finished the song and looked back up at Isabela to see her hand covering her mouth as she held back tears. "Isabela Madrigal, I love you and I would be honored if you would allow me the title of your boyfriend" the (h/c)-ette said as he put down his guitar and held his hand out to the girl in front of him. Letting out a watery chuckle Isabela nodded, taking his hand. "I love you too you big dummy" Isabela said back. (Y/n) smiled and pulled the girl towards him, instantly kissing her. Isabela melted into the kiss, cupping the man's cheek as she did so.

The two spend the rest of the night talking together, singing more songs, and lying under the stars. "Hey (y/n)?" Isabela asked as she turned to look at her now boyfriend. "Si mi amor?" he asked, looking at the girl. "I love you too much" she giggled. Letting out a quiet sigh that faded into a chuckle (y/n) tackled her into a hug, giving her another kiss. "Me too mi amor, me too" he said as the two made eye contact, going in for another kiss.


If you know where the song (y/n) is singing is from I love you. And yes I did sort of use this chapter/request as an excuse to use this song but hey, at some point this movie was going to pop up in this book I can't help it. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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