Mother Figure (Mirabel)

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{THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST @yourlocalbiwhore }
(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/c) = hair colour
(H/l) hair length
(E/c) = eye colour
Pronouns used: she/her

{PLATONIC}{THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST @yourlocalbiwhore }Keys:(Y/n) = your name(L/n) = last name(H/c) = hair colour(H/l) hair length(E/c) = eye colourPronouns used: she/her

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The American school system

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The American school system. It's something Mirabel wanted to experience. She wanted to leave her encanto, she wanted a fresh start and make some new friends. After months and months of begging her family they agreed to let her go away to an American boarding school, and that's how she ended up where she was now.

The school was huge, and of course the Madrigal was nervous. She walked up to the doors and looked around anxiously. 'Wasn't there supposed to be someone here to show me around?' she thought to herself. As she continued to look around for someone, anyone, a voice broke her from her panic. "Hey you! Are you that new girl that's coming here?" a voice asked. As the voice and the sounds of high heels reached Mirabel's ears she whipped her head around to the direction of the sudden sound.

Standing in front of the girl was an older woman, probably in her late 20's to early 30's. She looked mature, but kind. Her eyes were a beautiful (e/c) colour, her hair being (h/l) and (h/c). She was wearing a simple (*insert ur outfit choice*) with matching heels. She had multiple rings, necklaces, bracelets, and more on. Attached to her hip were a set of keys that reminded Mirabel of her abuela. She was holding a small book in her hand as well.

"O-oh uh yes I am, who are you?" Mirabel shyly asked. The woman chuckled as she extended her free hand to the girl. "I'm (y/n) (l/n), aka the caretaker and head teacher of this school and dorm room" she said as Mirabel shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am" Mirabel said as she clenched her bag out of anxiety. "Please dear, just call me miss (y/n), or if you want some children call me mom or mother. It's completely up to you however" Mirabel nodded as the two walked inside the building.

(Y/n) explained to Mirabel the layout of the school and dormitories, her school schedule, who she would be staying with, ect. Mirabel took it all in with a new sense of adrenaline inside her.


Before she knew it Mirabel had to head home. She was heartbroken at the news that she had to go home in a week's time, and so were her new family. She had made so many new friends that she considered siblings, and (y/n) was like the mother she always wanted, the mother she needed. The mother who didn't remind her that she had no gift, the mother who actually spent time with her, the mother who had no gift herself and didn't even know it was possible.

When Mirabel went home she stayed in her room not talking to anyone, instead looking through photos of her new family. At dinner Abuela Alma had enough of her behavior. "Mirabel" she started. Mirabel hummed back in return. "Why have you been avoiding everyone? What has gotten you so depressed recently? Did something happen in America?" the older women asked. Taking a deep breath in Mirabel put down her glass of water and stood up, looking straight into her abuela's cold eyes. "I want to go back to America!" she said, shocking everyone.


"Welcome everyone, it is wonderful to meet you all! I have heard so much about you all from Mirabel. I am (y/n) (l/n), the caretaker of the children here and Mirabel's teacher. Please come inside and I'll show you all your rooms" (y/n) said as she welcomed the family into her home. Mirabel ran up from her family to walk beside (y/n). "It's good to see you again Mirabel, the children have missed you" (y/n) whispered to the brown eyed teen. "I've missed you all as well" she whispered back. "It sure was a shock when you wrote saying that you and your whole family were coming to stay with us, but I'm happy your back" (y/n) said as they stopped walking to let the Madrigal's into their rooms. "I'll let you all get situated in your new rooms" she said with a warm smile. She turned to Mirabel an her eyes softened. "Mirabel dear, you will be staying in your old room with Melanie and Veronica alright?" she said. Mirabel nodded quickly and ran off in the direction of the very room she was talking about. Nodding to herself (y/n) walked away from the confusioned family.


Over the few months the Madrigal's were there to visit the family realized that maybe, their previous ways were hurting Mirabel. She rarely ever talked to them anymore, and never even talked to them as if they were family anymore.

"Can anyone help me prepare dinner?" (y/n) asked no one in particular. "I'll do it mom!" Mirabel yelled as she ran down the stairs into the kitchen, hurting Julieta and Agustín, as well as confusing Pepa and Félix.

"Hey sis wanna go for a walk?" Mirabel asked. "Uhh sure sis" "fine whatever" Isabela and Luisa answered. Mirabel stared at them confused as she grabbed Melanie's arm. "I was actually talking to Melanie" she said quietly as she and the said girl ran away. "Huh?" Luisa said to herself as she and Isabela stared at the spot where their little sister used to be.

"And I win!" Thomas yelled as he won the board game they were playing. "Awe come on! You always win! Let us have a turn at the feeling of victory!" Mirabel dramatic said as the other kids cried in a corner. "No way! It feels way to good to beat you all for the 5th time in a row!" she said as he stuck his tongue out at Mirabel. "COME HERE YOU LITTLE-" Veronica screamed as she lundged at the boy who let out a demotic screach and ran away in pure terror. Camilo, Dolores, and Antonio watched in confusion as their cousin spent more time with these random mentality unstable children instead of them.

"Hey mom when's nana getting here?" Mirabel asked as she walked into the common room. Abuela Alma sat there confused as she stared at her granddaughter. 'Who she talking about?' she thought. (Y/n) looked up from her broom and smiled at the girl. "Oh Aria should be getting here in a few minutes, could you go get her room ready?" she asked. Mirabel nodded and walked away, leaving a calm mother figure, and a very confused Abuela who only now realized that her own granddaughter didn't consider her family as family because of what they had all done. They didn't realize it, but the Madrigal's had lost the most lively and kindest member of their family because they were all too mean. And that maybe these people who meant nothing to them, ment the whole world to that girl.


Ngl when writing (y/n) for this chapter all I could think about was Miss Peregrine from MPHFPC lmao. Hope you liked this chapter!!

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