Lapis Lazuli (Camilo)

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BOLD = (y/n)'s narration
💙 = time skip
Pronouns: she/her

I don't know....

(Y/n) sighed as she stared out of the huge glass mirror in front of her. The room around her was dark, the only bit of light coming from the glass window. Though it wasn't a window. It was the mirror, the mirror she was trapped in.

How long I've been here.

She slowly moved into a more comfortable position. Her legs were pushed up against her chest and her arms were wrapped around her legs with intertwined hangs, her head resting on her knees.The platform she was sitting on was covered in water. It was the only thing there, except for

All I can remember...

(Y/n) was wearing a simple long navy blue dress. The skirt came down to her ankles though it had a slit on the side. It had a small black belt on her waist. There were no sleeves, the dress being help up by a string around her neck. She wore multiple rings and necklaces as well.

Is the darkness. It's all I've ever known.

(Y/n) huffed and rolled her eyes as she stared out of the glass/screen in front of her. The same merchant who had been trying to sell her mirror to random people was still babbling nonsense at everyone that walked by. The same thing he had been doing for a week.

'Why do every merchant that gets their hands on my mirror try to sell it 24/7?!' She bitterly thought. All she could see out of the glass was a town, with people walking by, and in the corner was the merchant babbling some nonsense about the mirror being 'a one way ticket to paradise' and whatnot.

Until one day...

All of a sudden a boy, no less then 15 walked up to the merchant and asked about the mirror. This made (y/n) pay attention. The boy from what she could tell was fairly tall. He had dark curly hair and freckles all over his face. 'Cute' she thought to herself as she stared at the boy.

Suddenly the boy picked up the mirror, startling
(y/n). "Goodbye!" The merchant called out to the boy as he walked away. The boy only waved back and continued walking.

The trip was short, which only confused (y/n) even more then she was previously. Occasionally the boy would look down at the mirror and look at himself or check if it was broken, which only made (y/n) blush.

The boy walked into a house? (Y/n) didn't know. "Hola casita!" He said as he walked inside. He was silent for a few minutes as he continued walking, until stopping to open a door. He walked inside to room then closed the door and continued walking.

Camilo sighed as he held onto the mirror carefully. The mirror was made out of silver and had a blue gemstone on the back. The gem was a lapis lazuli in the shape of a tear drop.

"Alright, now where do I put you?" he asked to himself as he looked back down at the mirror. He walked over to a desk and cleared off some things to make room for the newest addition to his mirror collection. He put the mirror down and smiled to himself. "There! Perfect!" he cheered to himself.

He took a moment to look at the mirror more. It really was beautiful in his opinion. All of a sudden he scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air. "That stupid merchant doesn't know what he's talking about. 'A haunted mirror'? Haunted my butt! It's so beautiful it can't possibly be haunted!" he laughed as he started to turn around. But something stopped him.

"Haunted mirror" a voice, his voice, said. He instantly whipped his head around. He frantically looked around to try and find the voice. "W-who said that?!" he yelled, trying to be brave. "Haunted mirror!" the voice said again. Camilo looked in the direction of the voice only to freeze again. It was coming from....the mirror? 'No way this is real' he thought.

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