Lavender (Luisa)

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(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(E/c) = eye colour
(H/c) = hair colour
Pronouns used: she/her

Lavender: A plant that's oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help heal minor burns or bug bites

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A plant that's oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help heal minor burns or bug bites. It can also help treat anxiety, insomnia, depression, restlessness, and more.

Luisa sighed as she slowly wandered the town of encanto looking for the donkeys for the 5th time this week. Her muscles acked, her back was stiff and sore, her arms and legs felt heavy to carry and she could barely keep her eyes open. The poor thing hadn't had a good night's sleep in a few days and the needed sleep was slowly catching up to her. She felt like she could pass out in any moment right in the middle of the street.

When she spotted the donkeys she was just about it to walk over to them until she heard something. "LUISA!!!" a voice called. The said girl turned around to see (y/n) (l/n), the towns resident healer and herb specialist running full speed at her.

(Y/n)'s main talent was herbs and medicine, often making medicine for colds or viruses, basically anything Julieta Madrigal couldn't heal. Since Julieta could only heal wounds on the outside of the body, (y/n) helped heal the inside of peoples bodies. The two women often worked together and helped heal anyone who needed it. She was also talented when it can to growing anything. If anyone couldn't get to Isabela then they went to her. From herbs to flowers to vegetables and fruit, hell even shrubs and weeds that girl had it all.

Luisa took a step back in shock as (y/n) stopped running when she caught up to her, leaning forward with her hands behind her back. "Are you okay?" she asked. "W-what do you mean?" Luisa stuttered out as she felt her cheeks heat up. She has had a crush on (y/n) since they were kids, and it's continued to grow ever since. "Well your a lot more sluggish then usual, you have under eye bags, and your eye is twitching which it never does so something is clearly wrong" (y/n) said with a small smile. Oh yeah, did I mention (y/n) was really and I mean REALLY good at telling when something is wrong?

"I- uhh..." "if you don't tell me what's wrong you know I'll find it out on my own" (y/n) kindly threatened. Taking a deep breath in Luisa looked the opposite direction. "I haven't been able to sleep in a few days alright?" before anything else could happen the (e/c) eyed girl grabbed the taller female by the hand and dragged her to her shop/house.

"Luisa the donkeys..." the man said as he watched the two walk away. "She'll get to them later, they can wait!" (y/n) yelled back as she pushed Luisa inside and slammed the door shut. She changed the sigh on her door from 'OPEN!' to 'BE BACK IN 5 MINUTES!'

(Y/n) pushed Luisa into a random chair as she began to walk around the store looking for something. "Where is it? I know it put it here somewhere..." (y/n) muttered to herself as she walked around, pulling things out every now and then until sighing and pushing it back where it came from.

Watching the (h/c)-ette with an amused smile Luisa was knocked out of her thoughts by the feeling of fur against her leg. She looked down to see a familiar cat purring by her leg. "Oh, hello River" Luisa said as she pet the furry creature. River was (y/n)'s grey tabby cat who was known throughout the whole town. She would often walk around, play with the kids or stealing food. No one stopped the feline because they all knew that this feral cat could and would without hesitation decommision God and- well- let's just say many were afraid of her.

"AHH HA! I FOUND IT!" (y/n) yelled triumphantly as she pulled out a purple plant. Luisa couldn't quite tell what it was as (y/n) wrapped it up and covered it with a cloth. She walked over to Luisa and shoved it into her hands carefully. "That's lavender" (y/n) smiled. "It can help with many different things but one of its most known fact is that it can help with insomnia. Just put this under your pillow tonight before you go to sleep, you'll thank me later" she said happily.

(Y/n) shoved Luisa and the lavender out of the store with a smirk. "Now go home and take a nap! And if Abuela Alma says anything about it then tell her it's doctors orders!" and with that (y/n) flipped back the sign and shut the door. Luisa chuckled and nodded to herself, walking back to her casita to put the lavender someplace safe.

Nighttime rolled around and Luisa did just as ordered. She put a piece of lavender under her pillow and went to sleep. That night she had one of the best sleeps in her whole life. When she woke up she rubbed her face tiredly and processed the fact that a little piece of lavender helped her sleep like a baby. She grinned as she stared at the remaining purple flower, her hand covering her mouth. "Thanks (y/n), thanks for everything" she quietly whispered to herself as she stood up and got ready for the day. 'I'll thank her later' she thought.

All in all, everyone needs lavender.


Lavender is literally so amazing I don't make the rules. Like, I love it so much. If you can't sleep then go get urself some lavender hon. Hope you liked this chapter!

ALSO! Right now, i'm going to be closing my requests/not taking any requests. I have a few reasons right here:

A) I have a lot and I need to finish most of them lmao

B) school just started up for me again and this time it's online so I'll be focusing on that more then this book. (THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M ENDING THE BOOK I'M JUST SAYING UPDATES MAY BE SLOWER)

C) I have writers block, and it would help me a lot more if I wasn't getting a lot of requests (no offense)

So if I've replied to ur comment under the request page then congrats! I will/am writing ur request rn! I promise to open requests again once I'm back on my feet with new ideas and what not.

Anyway have an amazing rest of your morning/afternoon/night/day!

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