12. old memories

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Aurora sat in her room, just contemplating everything, after yesterday's fiascos, Aurora had to come to terms with the fact she was trap here, she wasn't going to see her friends again, she was just trapped here forever. She wasn't even sure if her friends would try get her back, I mean why try get her back when it just let Kai out as well, he was there for a reason, this was his prison world, he was in charge of it, he made all the rules.

Aurora thought the worse thing about being in the prison world was the constant state of loneliness, but what hurt more than that was how her friends are feeling, she was close with all her friends and cared about them all so deeply, one more than she should. The thought of what they had to go through when she didn't return from the Other Side with the others must've broken them.

Then again, when Bonnie and Damon returned from the prison world, without her, it was like they lost her all over again. Aurora imagines that if she was with her friends right now, they'd be doing something stupid, whether it would be watching some cheesy movie with the girls, playing pool with Matt and Tyler, or just goofing around with Jeremy and reminiscing on easier times.

If she were with Elena, they would probably be talking about anything really, that's just how good of friends they were too each other, they've known each other most their lives, despite their 2 year age difference they were close, they were almost like sisters, almost, the sister position belonged to Caroline. But all of her friends treated her like like a younger sister, because that's what she was to them.

It was 2009, and it was Aurora's first day of freshmen year tomorrow. She was pretty nervous considering all the people she knew were in 2 years above her starting their junior year, however she did have Jeremy Gilbert, but he was too busy with his own life falling apart and Aurora didn't want to interfere with him. So, she was basically going into the whole thing alone, Caroline had spoken to her, but all her words seemed to go in one ear and out the other, so now she was totally freaking out.

A knock on her bedroom door, caught her attention, "Come in" she said to the person behind the door, they come in and reveal to be Elena. "Hey, your mom let me in" Elena says shutting the door behind her and approaching the bed and taking a seat at the edge of her bed, "How are you? Caroline mentioned how nervous you were for school" Elena voices, Aurora nods, "Yeah, she talked to me, gave me pointers but I sorta just forgot everything she said" Aurora admitted, Elena chuckled softly.

"Yeah, high school can be kinda scary, it's a new chapter in your life, you're growing up, all these things are getting thrown at you at once and you barely get a moment to just breathe and live your life" Elena explained, "But, just don't worry too much, you'll do great, just stay out of trouble, listen to teachers, do extra curricula's, you could do cheerleading, it's basically your legacy" Elena says smiling, which made Aurora smile.

"Yeah, I probably will do cheerleading, Caroline would have my head if I didn't" Aurora jokes, she was being half serious, Caroline would definitely be upset if Aurora didn't join the squad. "I just wanted to talk, let you know high school isn't that bad, just live it to the fullest, do all opportunities given to you and just enjoy yourself, high school will just fly by and before you know it, it's all over" Elena voiced, "Thanks, Elena" Aurora says reaching over and hugging her.

If Aurora were with Caroline, they'd be talking about everything Aurora missed out on the past 4 months, and now since it was almost December, the two along with their mom would be decorating the house in Christmas cheer, drinking hot coco watching a Christmas film just counting down the days until Christmas day where she got to spend the day with just her family.

8 year old Aurora sat leaning against the building, her knees to her chest, tears in her eyes, dripping down her cheeks as the words of Kimberley Fell repeated in her head, they were only 8 years old yet the words that came out her mouth were mean.

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