CTTO: misfortunebear2307
Aight! Warning(s) : None! only fluff! Pairing(s) : Camilo Madrigal x reader; Plantonic!Antonio x reader Sweet - Who is the lucky person to be in a relationship with a Madrigal?
- You, and with the shapeshifter to be exact! Dating your best friend from birth, spending time with him, laughing at his jokes, and exchanging sweet kisses under the moonlight is like a dream come true for you. You cherish your time with him, and he is grateful that the universe has blessed him enough to allow you to stay by his side.
- Oh, and don't think Camilo is the only one who thinks you're a god bless; the whole Madrigals family, especially Antonio, thinks so as well.
- You're very much like a sibling to him, the youngest Madrigal adores you. You teach him how to bake, you carry him when he's tired, and you're willing to assist the Madrigals in looking for him while he's little. - When he received his gift, you were the second person besides Mirabel who Antonio would overjoy to show off when a new animal was on its way to him. And you don't mind in the least since spending time with this kid makes you feel like the best sibling ever, and it melts your heart every time he hugs you tight.
- You will bring Antonio to one of your Camilo dates. A picnic by the river, or simply relaxing in Camilo's room. Though Camilo occasionally complains about not having couple time when Antonio is nearby, he becomes used to it and effortlessly gives you a kiss on the lips while playfully shielding Antonio's eyes.
- Camilo appreciates it as well; he is delighted to see how well you get along with his younger sibling. Camilo would sigh lovingly and fantasize of the day you two married and had your own family every time he saw you and Antonio around each other.
- Abuela's Alma is another who notices this in you. When Camilo first announced you as his lover, she assumed the relationship was only puppy love and that you two will split ways shortly. But the second Alma witnessed Camilo affectionately gaze at you while reassuring Antonio into the toddler's slumber, she recognized that this relationship reveals a part of Camilo that she wasn't aware of before.
- She love how Camilo's eyes would light up when your name was mentioned, or how devastated he would seem when you two got into a minor argument. Camilo looks so much like his Abuelo when he smiles at his love that Alma begins to think differently about (Y/n). And as she came to know you more, she held the wedding picture of her and Pedro near to her heart, wiping away a tear as she thanked him for allowing her to witness their bond again, this time with Camilo and you.
- So, in general, the Madrigals family accepts you heartily, specially Antonio and Abuela Alma (after a while). So you don't have to worry about dating their favorite chameleon, and if you think about it, you could become a Madrigal soon enough.
šššššš š. šššššššš
Fantasy7 šššš ššššš šššš ššššš ššš šššš . . . į“¬ įµāæįµĖ¢Ź°įµįµ įµįµįµįµ įµį¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµįµįµĖ¢Ź°ā±į¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶įµįµā±Ė”įµ į“¹įµįµŹ³ā±įµįµĖ” į“µ'įµ Ź²įµĖ¢įµ Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµŹø į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³ā±įµĖ¢ į¶ Ź³įµįµ įµŹ°įµ ā±āæįµįµŹ³āæįµįµ, įµāæįµ įµį¶ į¶įµįµŹ³Ė¢įµ į“µ'įµ įµā±įµā±āæįµ įµŹ°įµ į¶Ź³įµįµā±įµĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ Ź·įµāæįµįµŹ³į¶ įµĖ” Ź·Ź³ā±įµįµŹ³Ė¢ Ź·...