CTTO: maximoff56 (Tumblr)
Pairing: Camilo x reader(no specified gender)
Summary: Your family needs to move because your father's job moved locations and he needed to move with them.
Warnings: Angst, crying, sad!Camilo, L-bomb
Today was the day, you had to leave the Encanto today. You didn't know if you'd return but your father tried to give you hope that one day your family would be able ro return to your home.
Your plans to leave were around noon and you were going to finish helping your parents pack but you hadn't slept at all and around eight I the morning you left your house without catching the notice of your parents.
You wanted to see Camilo one last time before you left, you wanted to say goodbye and to hold him one last time. Camilo had been putting up a front about you leaving, he kept saying it was 'fine' and how you can 'keep on touch' with each other. Although he was good at hiding it, you could tell he was struggling with the thought of you leaving.
The two of you had been together since you were 13, you had planned your lives together. Your families had seen marriage in the future of your relationship, Pepa always called you "yerno" when she spoke to you.
The Madrigals were your second family and your heart broke every time you thought about never being able to see them again.
You were approaching the Casita and you noticed Luisa already working outside and you waved to her, her hands were full so she gave you a small smile and a head nos before turning back to her work.
When you normally entered the Casita, you always approached Pepa or Felix first before going to Camilo, you wanted to let them know you were around. But this time you walked straight up the stairs and directly towards Camilos door.
You hesitated with your hand over the door handel as you let memories of the two of you flash through your mind. You took a deep breath in before moving your hand to knock four times on the door.
"Not right now mami" you heard your boyfriends muffled voice through the door. You almost smiled at his voice but the reason you were there then set in once again and your smile dropped.
"Camilo, mi vida? Its Y/N" you called out, you waited a few moments for an answer. You heard some shuffling from behind the door before it was pulled open slowly, revealing a tired looking Camilo. "Ca-"
You were cut off as the the boy threw his arms around you, you stumbled back a but with the forced of the embrace but you steadied yourself and guided Camilo back into his room, shutting the door behind you.
You stayed in the hug for a while, your arms tightly wrapped around each other. Your heart dropped as you noticed the cloth on your shoulder growing wet.
Camilo was crying, he had been almost avoiding you the past week after you told him. Telling you that he was fine and breaking down alone in his room at the thought of you going away. He never showed any true emotions about your leaving and seeing you today, the day he knew would probably be the last just made him snap.
"Don't go.... please" Camilos voice was so soft that if he wasn't so close to your ear then you wouldn't have heard it. You squeezed the boy closer to you before slowly releasing your grip and pulling him away from you.
Camilo whined at thr lose of contact and trued to turn away from you to hide his tears, moving his hands to cover his face. You reached out and grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to face you, removing his hand from his face.
"I have no choice amor" you whispered as you held his face, using your thumbs to wipe the tears from his cheeks. His hands came up and wrapped around yours as he melted into your touch.
"C-cant you though, ask your papi. Tell him you can just stay with us, please mi vida I don't want to lose you" Camilo had a look of desperation in his eyes, one that made you physically feel your heart break.
You squeezed your eyes shut to will back the tears that were building in your eyes. "You know I can't stay here, I'm fifteen Cami. I need to go with my family." Camilo let out a small sob at your words.
He knew you were right, he couldn't ask you to stay. It was selfish in a way, if you stayed you would be missing out on an opportunity to be with your family. Your mother didn't work and so you Contributed to the money that came into your house. You took care of things when your parents couldn't. You would most likely be taking over for your father I'm his place in the company when he died. Your family needed you, you had to leave. Camilo knew that, but it still broke his heart.
"When do you leave?" Camilo questioned, his eyes still letting tears fall here and there and you wipped them away every time.
"Noon, but I need to help pack" you mumbled and Camilo nodded in acknowledgement. "I will miss you Camilo Madrigal, every day. I will come back one day, I promise" you placed your forehead against he let his eyes flutter shut at the sound of your voice.
"Can you please just lay with me, hold me. Until you have to leave, just once more?" Camilo slowly opened his eyes to look at you as he spoke.
"Of course mi vida, come here" you slowly pulled Camilos hand and guided him toward his bed. You slowly snake down onto the mattress and pulled him into your body.
He wrapped himself around you, snuggling his face into your neck and holding you tightly. You wrpped your arms around your lover and the two of you layed in silence for a while.
After some time you noticed that Camilos breathing had steadied and his grip his lightened on you. "I love you Camilo, my god you're making leaving so hard" you whispered, not wanted to wake the sleeping boy.
You knew you would have to wake up Camilo in an hour or two, tell him a final goodbye and you'd have to walk out of the Casita for the last time, you'd have to say goodbye to Pepa and Felix for the last time and you'd have to walk away from the man you loved, unsure if you'd ever see him again.
But that was a few hours away, right now all you cared about was not waking Camilo. You just wanted to hold him until he woke up, you wanted to savior your mast peaceful moments with him before you left.

šššššš š. šššššššš
Fantasy7 šššš ššššš šššš ššššš ššš šššš . . . į“¬ įµāæįµĖ¢Ź°įµįµ įµįµįµįµ įµį¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµįµįµĖ¢Ź°ā±į¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶įµįµā±Ė”įµ į“¹įµįµŹ³ā±įµįµĖ” į“µ'įµ Ź²įµĖ¢įµ Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµŹø į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³ā±įµĖ¢ į¶ Ź³įµįµ įµŹ°įµ ā±āæįµįµŹ³āæįµįµ, įµāæįµ įµį¶ į¶įµįµŹ³Ė¢įµ į“µ'įµ įµā±įµā±āæįµ įµŹ°įµ į¶Ź³įµįµā±įµĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ Ź·įµāæįµįµŹ³į¶ įµĖ” Ź·Ź³ā±įµįµŹ³Ė¢ Ź·...