CTTO: anonymous (requested)
-A oneshot about Bruno saw a vision of Camilo & Y/N getting married.
"Thanks for coming over Y/n!" Mirabel pulls you in Casita. Recently after the rebuild, Bruno has given a chance on using his gift more often now for the kids and citizens.
Of course if they again don't agree with their chosen faith their not allowed to come back ever!
"Are we gonna go climb up his stairs again?" You says a little tired from remembering it when you were dragged in by Mirabel to save the miracle.
"No! Casita could remodel rooms now! It doesn't have to be the same as their gifts, they could add, reduce rooms" Mirabel finishes fixing her glasses.
Knocking in his room, it looked more modern and relaxing with the theme color of green and white.
On the side there was a door for his prophecy making.
A bunch of kids came out of the room feeling so glee about what they got. Antonio came out holding a green print, "Mirabel! Mirabel! I asked Tio Bruno to show me about your happiness and it showed about me and you by the river smiling!!"
You smiled covering your mouth, "Oh my gosh lucky you Mirabel, a day with little Tonito!" You say making the little boy even more excited.
"Aww Antonio you didn't have to!" She snuggled his lovable body.
"Right! Now it's different, you can add a person you wanted to know in the vision, for example like what Antonio did he wanted to know a vision of me and him. Since it relates to him it would show, you get it?"
"I guess" You chuckled, looking over to see a bunch of teens sitting on the side talking about their visions.
Then by the side, your boyfriend Camilo came running towards you.
"Cariño!" He exclaimed hugging you by pulling you by the waist and smooched a bunch of kisses on the side of your face.
"You look so excited! Did you get what you visioned from Tio Bruno?" You asked him swatting some of his beautiful curls away from his face.
"He did" He brought you out of the prophecy room real quick as you two sat in Bruno's comfortable bed.
"The Casita improved so much I feel a bit lighter" You says patting the bed, "Mhm, It could improve more once your finally married in the family."
You blushed, "I just gotta make sure your family and abuela likes now to approve of that."
"What do you mean? They already loved you from the beginning of meeting you! Well abuela was unsure but now she surely does!"
You chuckled as he caressed your cheeks, "Tio Bruno gave me a vision about me and you getting married, you were in a beautiful dress that makes me fall in love even more remembering it"
You were speechless by the way he says those words.
"I wouldn't mind marrying you too at all Camilo" You kissed his nose, seeing his ears turn red by the small gesture you did.
"I'm so lucky to be dating a girl like you, and in the nearest future my wife." He leans in the kiss you on the lips but you moved away not noticing.
"Oh I should get my vision now too! It makes me so nervouscited!"
He frowned a bit that you didn't kiss him, but seeing you happy already makes him happy. He stood up holding your hand, "Amor how about asking if we ever get a pet hamster."
"I'll ask him too on that one" You laughed as both entered back in the 2nd room.
"Ah Camilo! Ready to know your vision for the first after 5 years?" His Tio motioned him to sit in front on the floor.
"Yup, just that.." He then held hands with his Tio, "Can you confirmed if ever in the vision, do me and Y/n ever get married? She's such a perfect girl and I lover her so deeply."
His Tio smiled, "Let's see"
Watching the prophecy move, it starts off with Camilo looking at you walk down the stairs in a beautiful dress with flowers, he knew he was lovestruck. The next scene came with the two of you in a restaurant, he was checking his pockets every minute. Then finally he proposed, with you accepting!
He smiled looking at the vision.
It then moves to the day the both of you in the altar looking a lot more older, you wore a beautiful gown that made him stare throughout. And it ends with the two of you dancing slowly on in the middle of the room with flowers getting thrown to you guys.
šššššš š. šššššššš
Fantasy7 šššš ššššš šššš ššššš ššš šššš . . . į“¬ įµāæįµĖ¢Ź°įµįµ įµįµįµįµ įµį¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµįµįµĖ¢Ź°ā±į¶ įµįµŹ³ į¶įµįµā±Ė”įµ į“¹įµįµŹ³ā±įµįµĖ” į“µ'įµ Ź²įµĖ¢įµ Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµįµ Ė¢Ź°įµŹ³įµ įµŹø į¶ įµįµįµŹ³ā±įµįµ Ė¢įµįµŹ³ā±įµĖ¢ į¶ Ź³įµįµ įµŹ°įµ ā±āæįµįµŹ³āæįµįµ, įµāæįµ įµį¶ į¶įµįµŹ³Ė¢įµ į“µ'įµ įµā±įµā±āæįµ įµŹ°įµ į¶Ź³įµįµā±įµĖ¢ įµįµ įµŹ°įµ Ź·įµāæįµįµŹ³į¶ įµĖ” Ź·Ź³ā±įµįµŹ³Ė¢ Ź·...