Don't Leave Me

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CTTO: camilosunshxne

airing : Camilo x fem!reader.

Warnings : foul language, swear words, anger, crying, pain.

Plot : An argument with Camilo ends in a confession.

Pronouns used : he/him for Camilo, she/her for reader.

In your sixteen years of living you'd quickly come to learn that relationships and friendships fell apart. Your aunt and uncle. Your best friend, Catarina and her boyfriend, Jorge. You and your friend, Emilia. Your sister and your brother-in-law. Isabela and Mariano. Your fathers friendship with Bruno.

It seemed that everywhere around you, things fell apart. However, it seemed that your luck was changing when you became friends with the bright smiling, smooth talking, ball of sunshine that was Camilo Madrigal.

The pair of you had been friends for what seemed like forever, you couldn't recall a time when you were without Camilo Madrigal. You were each others lifeline, each other's best friend, the one person that the other confided in when something was troubling either one of you.

To Camilo, you were his everything. His entire world. If you were the sun then we was the world that revolved around you. He had found himself falling in love with you years ago but could never quite bring himself to confess in fear of ruining the friendship, but that didn't stop the lingering looks or the longing stares or the feelings of just wanting to hold you or wondering what your lips would feel like against his and little did he know, you felt the exact same about him.

However, things falling apart between the pair of you was not something that either of you had planned. As the days dragged on, it seemed that you and Camilo were drifting further and further apart. The little arguments and squabbles you had been having had become a lot more frequent, it was tearing you apart. You couldn't take it any longer. You finally snapped.

It was another nightmare of a day, you were in casita with Camilo, everybody else was out. It'd started out as a simple cooking session, you had decided to make a batch of arepas and Camilo had asked to help you. However, that's what started the argument this time. He had become annoyed when you beat him in a flour fight, and that's when he had started throwing his fit. He was using a foul tone of voice with you and was huffing all over the place, turning his back to you and using a terrible attitude with you.

You yanked your apron off and threw it down onto the counter, "THAT. IS. IT!" You finally snapped, turning to your best friend. Your face contorted into anger and annoyance.

Camilo turned to you, a little shocked at your outburst, his eyes were wide as he did. "I'M SICK OF THIS BACK AND FORTH WITH YOU! ONE MINUTE WE'RE OKAY, THE NEXT WE'RE FUCKING ARGUING!" You screamed, folding your arms over your chest. You let out a rather long sigh, "Look, Camilo, I've seen plenty of friendships and relationships fall apart. I saw it with almost all of the relationships around me, I've lost a friend before in Emilia, I watched Cat go through a terrible breakup with her boyfriend so I know where this is gonna end up." You mumbled. "So, I'm gonna save your time and my energy and just say this now..." You sighed, running a hand down your face.

"What is this? Some kind of guilt trip, (name)? The reason we argue so much is because of you!" He snapped.

You sighed, "If that's the case then it's better that I remove myself from your life." You told him.

He rolled his eyes, "You always do this! Freaking hell, (name)! Stop overdramatising this!" He groaned, throwing his head back slightly.


You turned on your heel and sprinted from casita, tears were pouring down your eyes at this point as you ran out into the rain.

Camilo sighed as he glanced in the direction that you had ran. Hot tears fell from his eyes and left their salty trails down his cheeks as he thought back to the last couple of weeks, he really had been pushing you away. He tried wiping at his eyes but more tears fell, he quickly turned the stove off before sprinting out of casita after you.

He needed to make this right.

He caught up to you quickly given that you had stopped running once you were outside, "(Name), wait!" He shouted through the sound of the rain as he sprinted your way. He grabbed your shoulder, quickly turning you to face him and pulling you into him as he wrapped his arms around you. You pushed him away, pulling yourself away from him, "Hey, hey, stop. Please." He whispered, grabbing your wrists gently to stop you from pushing him further away.

"I'm not gonna argue with you in the street again, Camilo." You sighed, your voice was wavering due to crying as you turned from him.

He pulled you back to face him once again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I said, mi vida. You're not the reason we always argue, I am. You're literally my lifeline, (name). I can't imagine my life without you, you're my best friend and have been for most of my life. You're beautiful, kind, sweet, loving, caring and so fucking important to me. Please, please don't leave me." He begged you. "Please, I can't be without you. I love you!" He added, his eyes then widening at his final three words.

You lifted your head, your wide teary eyes meeting his greeny-brown ones, his eyes softened, "I love you." He let out a sigh of relief. "God, it feels so good to finally say it. I've been wanting to tell you for so freaking long." He told you.

"Do you mean that?" You asked, your eyes wide.

He nodded, "You're the love of my life, you're not just my best friend, you're my favourite freaking person in this whole entire world. You're the one person who knows all of my secrets, the one person I could never imagine my life without. The day that I lose you will be the day that I stop being myself, it'll be the day that I lose my soulmate. You're everything to me, mi vida. I love you. God, I just love you so fucking much. I've been pushing you away the past few weeks due to my own feelings, in fear that it would ruin our friendship, turns out I ended up ruining our friendship anyway so I figured I might as well confess now." He said, his voice was soft.

More tears escaped your eyes as a soft giggle escaped your lips, "You idiot." You laughed, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. A confused look crossed the boys features as he held your body in his arms, you shoulders shaking with laughter.

"What?" He asked, his voice unusually high pitched in confusion.

You lifted your head from his shoulder and sent a smile his way, "I love you too, idiota. I always have, or for as long as I can remember anyway. I was just waiting for you to give me a hint or a sign or anything to let me know that you felt the same way. You're more than just my best friend, Camilo, you're my everything, my whole world. I love you so freaking much it's unbelievable." You let him know, staring into his eyes.

A soft smile tugged at the boys features as he leant down, closing the small gap between the pair of you and planting his lips against yours, giving you a soft but needy kiss.

Your lips moved in sync and your fingers became entangled in his drenched curls, his hand cupped your cold cheeks as the pair of you refused the break the kiss, not caring about the lack of oxygen.

It was later that night, the pair of you were curled up together under a blanket in front of the fireplace, his hands wrapped around you beneath the soft fabric of the blanket as you rested your head lazily on his shoulder, the pair of you were drying out from the rain that you had stood in for longer than either of you would like to admit. Your eyes kept drooping shut involuntarily as Camilo chewed on a warm arepa that the two of you had finally finished making.

You curled into Camilo, your body fitting against his so perfectly as if you were both jigsaw pieces that were meant to go together. You face fitting into the crook of his neck like it belonged there, his arms tightened around you as you slowly let yourself relax in his arms as he pressed a soft, loving kiss to your forehead before opening his mouth. You heard his words clearly before letting yourself finally drop off to sleep as your eyes became too heavy to fight off the urge anymore.

"Go to sleep, mi vida. Sweet dreams."

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