Love me!

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CTTO: camilosluvr

Pairings: Camilo Madrigal x Fem Reader

Genre: Fluff

Synopsis: Camilo's obsessed with you and loves you more than anything and won't stop until you love him back, you tell him that you'll never fall in love with him but you're lying to him.

AU: Modern AU

Read this story along playing the sound "Never getting rid of me"

Camilo has been in love with you for the longest time ever or more like you two have been by each other's side for a while, you two were best friends and had been best friends since you were born because your parents and his family were good friends but you never expected him to fall for you neither did you expect yourself to fall for him but you did and he was never going to know until you were ready for him to know and you were not ready at all because you found out about a week ago.

You and camilo were currently sweeping the floor of his room while jamming to some music "It's my candy store!" You two sang out together like the theater kids you were as you used the broomsticks as microphones while both of your backs were pressed against each other, the song ended as you two were sweating as you two collapsed on the floor with the brooms falling from your hands and onto the floor with you two.

You leaned on camilo as you two deeply sighed out while you two laid flat on the floor "Oh camilo, have they put out the casting paper for school yet? I didn't see." You said as you looked at the Afro-Latino boy and he shook his head "Nah, not yet." Camilo said a bit disappointed since he wanted to see if he got the role, see your school was doing a remake of the play 'Waitress' and you and camilo auditioned together as the roles of ogie and dawn because you and camilo had a rock paper scissors debate on whether you should audition on your own as Jenna and ogie or you two audition together as dawn and Ogie and camilo won.

Camilo really wanted to play ogie, Ogie was his favorite character and he thought that ogie was actually so sweet and romantic "I don't know why you want us to play ogie and dawn so badly.." You mumbled as you laid your head in Camilo's lap as he sat up "I don't know, maybe because I love you how he loves dawn." Camilo said as he ran his fingers throughout your (h/c) hair and you chuckled "Well that's right and I can never get rid of you anyway." You said as you tapped your finger repeatedly on Camilo's thigh making the beat from the song 'Never ever getting rid of me' that you were referencing.

Camilo grinned "Well you know that dawn ends up falling for ogie in the end right? Maybe, we'll end up like that.." Camilo teased as he leaned down to look at you but his back and neck could only bend so far so he was looking at your ear "Maybe..." You teased back at him with a smile on your face though it was no maybe, it was definite to happen as you loved camilo almost as much as he loved you and he loved you a lot "Are you tryna say what I think you're tryna say?" Camilo asked as he raised back up while he removed his fingers from your hair.

You turned around and sat up to face the shape-shifter "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. You'll just have to guess." You said as you shrugged your shoulders and camilo chuckled and he grinned at you "Mhm...I guess that you love me. Am I right or wrong?" Camilo asked as he inched closer to you and you flashed a soft smile "Right." You said as you kissed his nose lightly making him grin wider and he leaned his head on your shoulder "Your kisses feel like little angels are touching me." He mumbled into your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you indulging you in a warm hug.

You wrapped her arms around him and started to run your hands up and down his back "So are we a thing now?" You asked as you chuckled a bit, you already knew the answer to your question but you wanted to see how camilo would react "Of course we are!" Camilo yelled out as he pulled away from you with a shocked look on his face "I'm joking, I know we're together now." You said making camilo let out a chuckle "It was pretty obvious that you were joking so it wasn't really a good joke..." Camilo said as he rolled his eyes a bit embarrassed that he fell for the most obvious joke ever "But you fell for it though." You teased as you got closer to his face and pecked his nose like you did the first time.

Camilo groaned and leaned his head back on your shoulder as he felt embarrassed from falling for a joke like that, he normally was the one that made you like this with his jokes "I wanna say I hate you but I don't...I love you too much." Camilo groaned out as he hid his face in your neck "I love you too mi rey." You said as you wrapped your arms around the Afro-Latino boy.

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